The pre-federal USA is the model for the Utopia (more perfect government) espoused here. From the 1600s to 1776 the pre-federal USA was but a federation of states.
Take that concept and add a universal bill of rights to which all states would need to comply. The bill of rights would, of course, exclude slavery and legalize voting for women. The house of representatives of each state would be randomly selected from a pool of college educated people that volunteer for inclusion into the lottery pool. A citizen charged with any crime may have his case tried in the state and court of his choice. A supreme court would be provided for quality control.
The states would be encouraged to be different from each other. Real unregulated competition between the states would drive the creation of a utopian state; a state so desirable that other states would emulate that state. Some states might be better suited for some people than others. Some states might even be socialistic, if that is their forte.
This site espouses non-Republican conservatism. More specifically, this site espouses protectionism, tariffs, small federal government, the middle class, outsourcing justice, a strong bill of rights, no deficit, no monopolies, many small businesses and minimization of welfare via training, rehabilitation, abundant jobs and early American wealth and business opportunities.