4.) Are the Utopian States capitalistic?
I would hope that they are partly capitalistic.
The Utopian States should endeavor to keep businesses small and owned entirely by the workers. Small companies should be family sized with less than twenty employees. Products produced by large monopolistic external corporations should be taxed with a sales tax proportional to their size.
There is no stock market {hopefully} in any of the Utopian states as the workers fully own their own company. Small companies can link up in one building to assemble products of magnitude – like a plane. An aircraft manufacturing company, for example, may be comprised of 1000 smaller companies. Each of these small companies owns their own tools and floor space.
The effort is to return to the size of businesses America had during the 1800’s. During this golden age people loved their businesses and independence. The small business owners were the most respected people in America (History of Small Businesses in America).
5.) Do the Utopian States have Goodie Goodie people and people that go nuts and commit mass murder?
The Utopian States {hopefully} has a plan in place where everybody has their suspicions investigated. Of course the people that want someone else investigated will also be investigated. It is only fair. Facts would be recorded in a data base. If enough people record their suspicions about a person, that person would undergo a major investigation and hopefully receive the help he needs.
On the other hand, if a person reports others friviously, the investigation whould show that this person’s reports don’t merit serious future consideration.