“United We Stand, Divided We Fall” is plausibly the prime rational behind government. The theory is that several people can protect themselves better than one individual. However, this theory has been expanded into an expansive ideology that holds that big is always better. Some, for example, believe that war cannot be started if there is only one government on earth. The dichotomy is that evolutionary theory predicts that there will be less competition and growth if competition is less or lacking. Is there an ideology that embraces bigness and unity? Is it flawed?
The Bible contains a story of the city-states of Cannon being conquered with all occupants slaughtered. Such were the times. Feudal warfare continued for almost a score of centuries. The richer kingdom would send the bigger and better army. The bigger and stronger army would usually prevail. Perhaps it was sport. Perhaps it was genetic. Perhaps it was the euphoria of the victory. Perhaps it was sadism. Perhaps it was religion. It is likely some of the reasons for conquest were greed, growth and/or revenge.
In China, there were more competing states. There was more competition. If one province destroyed themselves and their enemy – their war spoils – then they would be weakened. The neighboring provinces would capitalize on the weakness and send their armies. Perhaps the Chinese were more opportunistic and logical. It was the Chinese philosophy to conquer without destroying. Their philosophy was to use conquest for enrichment and to grow more powerful so that a neighboring province would not invade while they were weakened from warfare. See Rev. Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”.
Is more competition better? This will be continued…
The paragraphs above were in a zip file and emailed to myself. The company returned the email saying the the content wasn’t appropriate for a business email.
The email was written and sent after I had put in an eleven hour day.