The theory of this site is that people have the right to life and everything necessary for life. The corollary is that the only rights of a state are to protect the rights of the individual. This site asks for others to give examples where this is not true. Until this theory is disproven by example, this theory is also a principle we encourage others to follow and espouse.
Some theory is fact – like the Pythagorean theorem. There are hundreds of proofs, including simple algebraic proofs that prove that this theorem is valid. It would be more correct to call it the Pythagorean equation rather than the Pythagorean theorem. A theorem actually asks others to find an example where it is not true.
A theorem is true until proven otherwise. An opinion, on the other hand, is not necessarily a theorem, principle, fact or proper conclusion. An opinion is religious in that only the person holding the opinion believes it. An opinion isn’t worth much.
There are two current ‘right to life’ arguments that center around this theory. One – the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – pits the right to life of the individual against the right (of lack of rights) of the state. The other – the right to life for an unborn child – pits the right of the adult individual against the right of the unborn. The Republicans support the right of the state and the zygote over the rights of the individual.
The Democrats support the rights of the individual over the rights of the zygote and state. The Republicans choose NOT to take the side of the individual in either case. That’s an interesting synopsis so let it be repeated. The Republicans do NOT support individual rights in either argument.
The caveat here is the zygote. Is the zygote an individual human life? It does have the potential. It is my opinion that it is not a human life until it has a brain and experiences to recall. Until then, it is just the potential life and not equal to adult human life.