We use taxes to redistribute the wealth of the working class while keeping the opulent in total control.
Look at social security. Bill Gates pays 15,000 of 50,000,000,000 in social security. I’ve paid 15,000 of 100,000 (including my employer’s contribution during my best two years) in social security. Bill Gates paid 1/500,000 th the percentage that I paid.
1.) People making less than $100,000 a year should not pay taxes!
2.) People making over $100,000 a year should pay social security.
3.) The spending of federal government should be capped at the present level.
4.) Income over $100,000 should be taxed at a flat rate sufficiently to raise enough to supply the necessary government revenue but capped at 50% for ALL government revenues (property, sales, social security and income). No person should ever pay more than 50% of their income stream to government.
5.) Social security shall be collected from all incomes, but at a reduced rate.
6.) Corporations don’t have to pay taxes or social security. A national sales tax, capped at 7%, replaces this revenue.
5.) Amendment XVI should be modified to reflect the above.