My informal polling in barber shops, classes, work environment, at home and with friends does not find ANY that have indicated they intend to vote for Obama or even that they like Obama. This poll was conducted in Massachusetts among voters that traditionally vote with the Democratic party. The numbers and results of the poll are statistically significant enough to say with 99% confidence that Obama will NOT get 50% of the vote in Massachusetts.
The results of my informal poll compare favorably to recent election results between Hillary and Obama.
There is no evidence or reason to believe that people than preferred Bush to Gore were reversing their preferences. There is no reason or evidence to indicate that people that voted for Bush in the last two elections will now vote for Obama.
There is evidence and reason to believe that women and others that supported Hillary are now making plans NOT to vote for Obama.
Only half the Democratic party voted for Obama. This 25% of the population was comprised of people of African decent (about 13% of the population). In other words, Fifty percent of the people that voted for Obama were predominately of African decent. Obama will not get this favorable an outcome from an electorate that is 77% on non African decent.
Major polling companies give Obama a 5% lead in the general election. This, when compared with the first several paragraphs shows a split in the space-time continuum. The given explanation that the young are voting for Obama is not an adequate reason to explain the totally irreconcilable differences between observation and traditional polls. My poll is somewhat flawed in that it was taken of a population set that is significantly older and more white than normal. Some Hispanics contributed to the poll.
Conclusion: The polling organizations are either lying or there is unexplained phenomena or meddling at work.
I don’t presently endorse any candidate.