From the 2008 Draft Al Gore Campaign site:
Publicly, we remain dormant, but we are carefully watching the race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. As of this writing, Obama is ahead in delegates, but both candidates continue to split the available delegates in such a way that neither may have enough to be nominated on the first ballot at the convention in August. The next (and last) major state as far as delegates go is Pennsylvania. Depending on what happens there in April, we may decide that it’s time to swing into action again.
If Clinton and Obama continue to do damage to each other’s campaigns, if they continue to split the delegates, if it appears that the Democratic Party will be divided rather than united going into the convention, it may become evident that the party needs someone who can unite the Democrats, and most importantly, someone who can beat John McCain in November. To our way of thinking, the obvious someone is Al Gore.
We’re not the only ones entertaining this notion.
See the site by clicking on this link: The 2008 Draft Al Gore Campaign