Were I running for president, I would support the principle that all programs be engineered and voted on as integrated programs. We wouldn’t buy a car engine, chassis, seats, air conditioner, and brakes separately would we? Ha! that would be absurd! But that is exactly the way our engineer-less government works! Ha!
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.
MATSUO BASHO Reflections.com
Were I running for president, I would support the principle that everyone must be able to have a job or income that provides for housing, food, education, clothing, shelter, utilities and basic health care.
Were I running for president, I would back the principle that all Americans must be able to have basic health care for antibiotics, setting bones, simple operations etc.
Were I running for president, I would support the principle that all government plans must adhere to a budget agreed to by the people. For example, ten percent of government revenue should go to defense; twenty percent of government revenue should go to basic health care; thirty percent of all government revenue should go to social security; twenty percent of government revenue should go to the creation of jobs and income; twenty percent of government revenue should go for all other government expenditures.
Were I running for president, I would support the principle that both the people and the representatives should approve the basic spending percentages and total government revenue.
Were I running for president, I would support the principle that government should encourage the development of systems that would allow the budget to be met. For example, if people need housing to cost less than $800 a month, then the government should lead the way with intelligence, knowledge and planning. For example, a large pre-fab house can be bought for $100,000. $800 a month is $9600 a year which is 9.6 percent of the principal each year.
No support of the given examples is intended. The given examples are just plausible ways to interpret the principles that I do support.