The book “Introduction to BUDDHISM”, starts with a definition of Buddha:
“In general, Buddha means ‘Awakened One,” someone who has awakeed from the sleep of ignorance and sees things as they really are. A Buddha is a person who is completely free from all faults and mental obstructions. There are many people who have become Buddhas in the past, and many people will become Buddhas in the future.”
Perhaps we need a few Buddha in Washington.
Edwards said in a recent speech that they know they need Universal Health care, to help the environment, to reduce global warming, to create jobs and reduce poverty. More importantly Edwards truthfully admitted that they don’t know how to get there. He says also the he has spoken for principled action. This is good. I wish he would say something about the need to improve our judicial-police-incarceration system and the associated flawed laws. Edwards is talking about most of the right things.