We need a coup d’état. This election was an obamanation. The Democratic party has increased their aristocracy of lawyers brainwashed by Harvard professors by adding Elizabeth Warren to their ranks. The plutocracy of the Republican party wasn’t increased by adding Romney to their ranks, but that gives the people a false sense of security. A good man Scott Brown, one of the middle class, was voted out of office by a woman that pledged to give us her heart. I hope she keeps her campaign promise.
We need a coup d’état. But before that, we need a revolution of thought. We need the people to realize that this government is antiquated and needs improvement at it’s very core and structure. The ruling class is filled with lawyers which creates problems similar to those cased by inbreeding.
From: http://www.healthcentral.com/encyclopedia/408/219.htm
Inbreeding is the production of offspring by the mating of closely related individuals. This practice provides a greater chance for recessive genes to be expressed phenotypically. In humans, the amount of inbreeding in a specific population is largely controlled by traditional and cultural practices.
In Europe and North America, the marriage between close relatives is strongly discouraged by social convention. However, this is not true in many parts of the world. Marriage between close relatives is common in areas of the world in which geographical or ethnic isolation make marriage to unrelated people difficult.
The majority of serious genetic disorders are recessive, which means that an individual must inherit two copies of the abnormal gene (one from each parent) for the disorder to be expressed.
There a paucity of information in a group of mainly lawyers. They haven’t experienced the problems of farmers, teachers, doctors, businessmen, engineers, psychiatrists, policemen, parents and homeowners. The best among the lawyers know the system is broken, but they aren’t judges or in political power. The good ones are exasperated by the insidious stupidity of the system. The irony is that many of the good lawyers have left the system or have been disbarred.
We need a revolution of thought to sweep across the world to precede the coup d’état. This thought revolution should convince the people that government needs to only protect the rights of the people. The rights of the poor, the middle class and the rich all need protection so plausibly there should be three houses representing the lower 20%, the middle 60% and the top 20%. We need variety of representation. We need every profession, creed, race and sex proportionately represented. Hence we need a lottery to select the representatives from a very large pool of eligible candidates.