The American government has allegorically painted itself into a corner from which there is no escape. Agreements and laws everywhere limit what the government can do. The only thing the American government can do is to spend more money and increase the debt.
The only way to save America is to destroy government. The replacement government should be instantly available.
Americans need protection from invasion and criminals. Consequently, we need all present and future governments to pay their fair share for security.
Let new governments form. Let them pay for their own expenses and pay to the federal government in proportion to their net worth. Let them pay a property tax to the federal government. Let them be a positive cash flow. They take nothing but security from the federal government.
People could choose to stay with their old government or move to the new government. The government might not even have a contiguous area. Maybe a west coast family could be governed by a New England State. Or perhaps entirely new governments could arise that seal their borders to unfair trade. Some governments might allow cartels of small companies but exclude monopolies and large companies.
If America is to recover, all governments and laws must be destroyed in a controlled and equitable manner.
The transistion from this mess to the future must not be done violently or in haste. Books have to be written describing the new governments in great detail. ‘Games’ and simulations have to be conducted to insure that nobody gets hurt.