The fable of Santa Clause is an important allegory. Santa Claus is well liked. He is a large, popular philanthropist. His elves/ workers are little, unimportant, and uninteresting. The recipients of Santa’s gifts are wonderfully normal children. The illusion maintained by this society is that the top one percent (the billionaires, stars and politicians) are like Santa and the workers are elves.
In actuality, the difference between the top one percent and that person that earns a salary of 1/1000 th the top is one idea/ten pounds/two inches or another tiny advantage. We are not living in a world of giants and Lilliputians. We are living in a world where the slave/workers have been taught to believe that there are giants.
The first step to utopia is to realize that the giants among us are mere mortals but that there are some pretty strong mortals among us. Most of them are unrecognized. There is no reason to give families wealth that will last lifetimes because none of them merits being a Czar or royal family.
Down with royalty! Up with the competent people among us. Give credit to the good among us. Learn to recognize the competent. Stop worshiping the wealthy!
Elves of the world, revolt! Start by not worshiping the illusory pinnacle of the world. Follow instead the strong leaders among you. Follow he/she who most strongly represents your beliefs – your real beliefs.