Why Is America’s 1/X Wealth Distribution Bad & Unnatural?

Why is America’s 1/x wealth distribution bad & unnatural?

Why is any nation’s 1/x wealth distribution bad?  You really ought to study this.

Why does the slope of the curve suggest that wealth accumulation gets easier the more wealthy you are?

There are many reasons.  One obvious reason is that if a person doesn’t have any money to invest, he can’t make unearned income.  He can’t invest in stock or bonds.  He can’t put money in the bank.  If a person is putting children through college, or saving for their educations, he can’t invest or he has only a tiny portion  of his wealth available for investment.

OK, assume that a person has accumulated wealth, what then?  The economic cycles wipe it out.  He has to go back to square one and start again.  The wealthy, however, are diversified and wealthy enough to let the poor investment ride until it has recovered.  The very wealthy have all of their money available to invest and don’t rely on their investments for their future lifestyle.  99% of a very wealthy person aren’t even used to enhance their life style.  A wealthy person can lose a few billion and not be devastated.  Chances are, his other investments are beginning to look promising even as some lose their value.

However, it’s even worse than this.  There are deeper, darker reasons why it becomes increasingly easy to accumulate wealth as you get richer.  What do you think they are?  Leave a comment and I will answer.

Your turn.  Don’t be glib.  Politicians don’t talk about any of this stuff.  Neither do your brainwashers I mean teachers.


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American Wealth Distribution

The graph above represents the distribution of wealth according to the mathematical formula 1/x shown below.  The area below the 1/x curve, as shown below, represents the sum of all the wealth out to the indicated percentage.  For example: The calculation is that 20 percent of the population has 78 percent of the wealth.  This fluxuates, but is almost exactly the ratio that income various wealth studies show.

The graph above is a sumation of wealth from the start of the 1/x graph shown below to the percentage shown.  This graph shows that the top ten percent own 70 percent of the wealth.  The top five percent of the population owns 60 percent of the wealth.  The  top two percent owns 50 percent of the wealth.  The top one percent owns 39 percent of the wealth.  The top one-half percent owns 30.5 percent of the wealth.  The graph is sufficiently close to actual data as to be as accurate a working model as any for the distribution of wealth in Czarist America.

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Dystopian Government

The mark of a dystopian person is that he is extremely selfish; he cares nothing about others.

The mark of a dystopian society is the same.  People at the top care  next to nothing about the people at the bottom. What they do care is that the people at the bottom don’t cause them trouble; the people at the bottom are compensated, brainwashed and imprisoned as necessary to keep them controlled and an asset to their wealth rather than a liability.

The mark of a dystopian society would be a 1/x distribution of wealth where the class system is a continuous scale from the wealthy to the poor.  The plot of this wealth distribution would look be the following curve where the top one percent would have 30 percent of the wealth, the next twenty percent would have 50 percent of the wealth and the bottom 80 percent of the population would have 20 percent of the wealth.  If that sounds like America, you are right. 

If you know that the above graph represents the wealth distribution in America today, give yourself 100 points!

Actually, the poor are even more poor than the graph indicates.  The graph of wealth versus the population is even more draconian than 1/x.


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No Taxation Without Sentient Representation!

The people reading this site are intelligent and think as the Patriots did.  They know government is horrible and need to discuss solutions, not bitch.

The readers know that voting is a sham because, in every campaign, all the important issues are ignored and dysfunctional solutions are given for the few never solved issues that are discussed in perpetuity – year after year.

The readers know that voting is a sham when the bulk of a campaign is name calling, misinformation, and unsubstantiated opinion.

The readers know that the only candidate worthy of a vote should present facts, figures, graphs, charts, reports and even experts.  Yes, the candidates should present economic experts and their reports.

World governments are a disaster.   The only government worthy of a passing grade is the government of Peru whose constitution mandates that: “The protection of the individual and respect for his dignity are the supreme goal of society and the government.”  The dozens of protected individual rights are enumerated in the following chapters of their constitution.

We need the lower 80% of the population – those whose families have assets of 2 million or less – to threaten a revolution if they are to be held accountable for government debt.

Stand up and  be Patriots.  Throw the candidates in Boston harbor – or any harbor – unless there is taxation with sentient representation.

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Why Billionaires are Stupid Beyond Belief

Billionaires have the ability to start a utopian civilization and they don’t even know it.  Not only do they not build the world a utopian civilization, they can’t even do it for themselves and their families.   Instead of building large utopian societies for everybody, they build little dystopian societies in the middle of a large dystopian society.  They are as disrespected as the Czars of Russia and don’t even know it.

  • People don’t need grand houses to be happy.
  • People don’t need a country with grand armies to be happy.
  • People don’t need to have a huge bank account to be happy.
  • People don’t need to achieve something that a million other people cannot in order to feel successful.
  • People don’t even need success to be happy.

Billionaires need to study the story of Peter Pan.

There are several models for happiness other than the ones we’ve seen.

I’m not going to provide the blueprint for free, because I want to be involved.  It is necessary that I’m involved.  Billionaires have seen life from the top down.  I have seen life from the bottom up.  I have traversed the bottom 80 percent.  My life has been spent living in the bottom eighty percent.  I know how to  be happy with little wealth.  I also know that wealth is good and the upward trend is good.  I also know that in this dystopia, some wealth is essential.

Soldiers are happy living in barracks.  Students are happy living in dormitories.  People are happy building things.

A Utopian civilization is kind of like gunpowder.  You mix the right ingredients together and granulate the mixture just right, provide a spark, contain the energy and you will get an explosion.  Utopia will explode into something wonderful almost overnight.  A billionaire has sufficient resources for ten powerful utopian city-states with thriving populations of ten thousand each.

Be a hero, or be a dufus (doofus).  The choice is yours.

Start a competition between billionaires to see who can build the best Utopian city-state.

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The Natural Right to Have Sex (or not)

Hugh Hefner is ready for war—not against his former wives or girlfriends, but against conservative politicians who he says are thrusting their viewpoints into other people’s bedrooms.

In a rare move, the founder of Playboy magazine picks up his pen and writes an editorial in the May issue of the men’s magazine. The politics website Politico.com notes that Hefner, in his editorial headlined “The War Against Sex,” blasts “repressed conservatives … [for] pounding on America’s bedroom door.”


The right to consensual sex, sex without force, is a natural right that supercedes government itself. The right to have or not have sex is as basic as the right to eat and breath. It is one of those basic rights that cannot be prohibited by any constitution or law unless a revolution is desired. Amendment X of the constitution guarantees natural rights.

Amendment X: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Hugh Hefner is correct. Washington DC is, as usual, wrong.

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The fable of Santa Clause

The fable of Santa Clause is an important allegory. Santa Claus is well liked.  He is a large, popular philanthropist.  His elves/ workers are little, unimportant, and uninteresting.  The recipients of Santa’s gifts are wonderfully normal children.  The illusion maintained by this society is that the top one percent (the billionaires, stars and politicians) are like Santa and the workers are elves. 

In actuality, the difference between the top one percent and that person that earns a salary of 1/1000 th the top is one idea/ten pounds/two inches or another tiny advantage.  We are not living in a world of giants and Lilliputians.  We are living in a world where the slave/workers have been taught to believe that there are giants.

The first step to utopia is to realize that the giants among us are mere mortals but that there are some pretty strong mortals among us.  Most of them are unrecognized.  There is no reason to give families wealth that will last lifetimes because none of them merits being a Czar or royal family.

Down with royalty!  Up with the competent people among us.  Give credit to the good among us.  Learn to recognize the competent.  Stop worshiping the wealthy!

Elves of the world, revolt! Start by not worshiping the illusory pinnacle of the world.  Follow instead the strong leaders among you.  Follow he/she who most strongly represents your beliefs – your real beliefs.

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America’s Class Structure

America’s class structure:

Aristocrats:  These elite people constitute 1% of the population of America, yet have 30% of the wealth.  They are worth about 18 trillion dollars or an average of 26 million per family (assuming that the wife and husband have equal wealth and that there are 2.3 dependents/family).

Upper Class:  These wealthy people (not including the Aristocrats) are the next wealthiest 20%.  These 60 million people have 50% of the wealth or about 30 trillion dollars.  They have an average wealth of 2.15 million per family.

Working Class:  This group works for a living.  They consist of 50% of the American population.  They have an aggregate wealth of 12 trillion dollars.  Most of this wealth is in their homes.  The average wealth per family is about $344,000 dollars for a family of 4.3 people.

Poor.  This group of people comprise of about 30% of the American population.  They have an average wealth of 5000 per person.

The working class is under attack.  There homes are in danger of going under water (worth less than the mortgage).  Their jobs are being outsourced or lost to imports from countries that don’t have to abide by the rules, laws and policy of the American government. Their products are being copied and plagiarized by countries that do not comply with copyrights and trademarks.  The working class is being increasingly harassed by the police and exploited by lawyers.  They are being thrust into competition with the slave labor of other countries that keep the currency pegged to the dollar in order to defeat capitalism and exploit those that trade freely.   Big corporations throughout the world make it impossible for the small businessman to have his own company.  The working class has once again been enslaved or, perhaps, has always been enslaved by the aristocrats and “upper crust”.

The poor are being prevented from moving up to the working class by the same forces that are suppressing the working class.  The middle class and the poor are the market for the goods and products of the aristocrats and ‘upper crust’, so they better take heed…

Almost forgot the prison class that aren’t really alive in that they aren’t even allowed to control their own bodies.  They can even be forced to lift their genitals so that the guards can see if they have hidden anything.  There are 2 million in this group of government controlled human bodies.  Indeed, this proves the insanity of the aristocracy and ‘upper crust’ as this treatment could never be considered ‘justice’ by any but the very insane/mad.  Justice is restitution and minimal prophylaxis for the causation of loss.  Justice is not long, long periods of incarcertion enforced by people with big egos and small brains.


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Why We are Slaves

Plausibly only people that can produce a surplus can be taxed.  Governments can’t exist without taxation of some type.  Therefore it is reasonable to believe that governments formed because/when people became sufficiently valuable to be taxed.

Video: Why people allow themselves to be slaves.

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How Great thou Government Art?

The supposition is that a society and the government that created that society are good in proportion to how they financially reward ability and effort. Societies where wealth is proportional to ability would be better than those who reward people randomly or socialistically.

Socialism wouldn’t reward people for ability, effort, or goodness. The graph of such a reward scheme is shown as the graph of Socialism vs. Ability. Worse is a society that randomly rewards the people. Worst is a society that rewards an individual for being bad, lazy or inept.

A society that rewards a person proportionally to ability is not really possible. If you draw a straight line between a baseball player with 100 percent ability who makes $20 million a year to a person with ten percent ability would require that the person with 10 percent ability (a drug addict) to make $2 million per year. The linear straight line salary wouldn’t work.

The Capitalistic Income vs. Ability plot is shown below and is somewhat realistic. The Capitalistic Income vs. Ability plot shows a society that is also not great.

The Ability vs. Income and the Ability vs. Logarithmic income are the same except one has a logarithmic scale to better show the lower and more common incomes.  This scale shows I = C*A^6 or Income equals Ability raised to the 6th power times a constant.  This is somewhat how income is distributed in our society except that ability isn’t always important.  The high pay scale of some with ability camouflages the fact that some wealthy people have little ability.

There is nothing good to say about the distribution of wealth in this or any known earth society.


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