Tax By Scale of Size

In nature there is a efficiency in size.  As things get bigger, they get more efficient.  The metabolism of animals is high when the animal is small and less when the animal is large.   The same is true of income.  A poor family will spend all of their income on necessities.  The wealthier family will spend very little of their wealth on necessities.  Applying the same scale found in nature would result in the following tax rates.  The tax rate includes ALL taxes and deductions including social security.

Income Low                    Income High               Tax Rate

0.00                                  25,000.00                       0.000

25,000.00                       250,000.00                     0.292

250,000.00                     2,500,000.00                 0.499

2,500,000.00                 25,000,000.00               0.645

25,000,000.00               250,000,000.00             0.749

250,000,000.00            2,500,000,000.00         0.822

The advantage of a progressive tax rate is that a company would opt for quality, growth and job creation rather than income if they knew that their surplus income would only go to government.  Hence, more jobs would be created.  Products could be sold cheaper.  Government would have more revenue and hopefully, no deficit.

As private sector jobs increase, government could be made more efficient and make their manpower available to the private sector according to the needs of the private sector.

Furthermore, small companies thrive as the owners would have a fighting chance since their tax rates are less.  More people would have more money.  That in itself would be conducive to a more robust economy.

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The presidential election is a dead heat

The presidential election is a dead heat.  See the poll results at real clear

I see unhealthy distributions in wealth and trade.  I see unhealthy justice.  I see too many government jobs and too few private sector jobs.  I see too much government debt.  I don’t see adequate solutions presented from either candidate.

I even wonder if the coupling of the Yuan to the dollar won’t result eventually in the same standard of living in the USA as in China.  See exchange rates.

At this point in time, I don’t know who I’ll vote for or even if I have a preference.

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$100 prizes to the best ten page essays on alternative voting systems

The winners of the contest for the best three thousand word essays on alternate voting systems will not only be given a $100 prize, but they will push the envelope on future democracies.  Just think, you may become the most important person in the history of mankind!

Email your essay with the contact form.

Reserve your place with a letter of intent.  The best three essays will win, so getting your essay in early or holding your position with a letter of intent is necessary.

You may request an email address with your letter of intent.

Get a jump, ask about other essays that need to be written.

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It’s about the RIGHT jobs stupid!

In 1992, Bill Clinton campaigned with the motto “It’s the economy, stupid,” promising to bring the country out of a recession.

He also said “It’s about jobs, stupid!”.  The phrase has been oft repeated and paraphrased.

It would have been more accurate if he said: “It’s about the RIGHT jobs stupid!”, but slogans have to be short and to the point.

It’s about private sector jobs stupid!  Every job paid for directly by government funding requires at least three private sector jobs to provide the tax revenue necessary to pay the salaries for each government job. Similarly, any job paid for via government contracts (in defense or infrastructure) requires several private sector jobs to provide the tax revenue necessary to pay for the jobs.

Government sector jobs that don’t create private sector jobs are sub worthless because they increase the need for taxes which have the effect of suppressing further job growth.  This includes jobs in the defense industry and infrastructure as well as all jobs in federal, state and local governments.

It’s not about mere jobs stupid; it’s about creating private sector jobs and other jobs that decrease the trade deficit.  It’s about jobs that create revenue while decreasing government expenditures.

All jobs are not equal.  It’s about creating the right jobs.

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Ayn Rand 1944

The Only Path To Tomorrow

Ayn Rand

Readers Digest, January 1944, pp.  88-90

The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian philosophy.  Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies.  To fight it, we must understand it.

Totalitarianism is collectivism.  Collectivism means the subjugation of the individual to a group — whether to a race, class or state does not matter.  Collectivism holds that man must be chained to collective action and collective thought for the sake of what is called “the common good.”

Throughout history, no tyrant ever rose to power except on the claim of representing “the common good.” Napoleon “served the common good” of France.  Hitler is “serving the common good” of Germany.  Horrors which no man would dare consider for his own selfish sake are perpetrated with a clear conscience by “altruists” who justify themselves by-the common good.

No tyrant has ever lasted long by force of arms alone.  Men have been enslaved primarily by spiritual weapons.  And the greatest of these is the collectivist doctrine that the supremacy of the state over the individual constitutes the common good.  No dictator could rise if men held as a sacred faith the conviction that they have inalienable rights of which they cannot be deprived for any cause whatsoever, by any man whatsoever, neither by evildoer nor supposed benefactor.

This is the basic tenet of individualism, as opposed to collectivism.  Individualism holds that man is an independent entity with an inalienable right to the pursuit of his own happiness in a society where men deal with one another as equals.

The American system is founded on individualism.  If it is to survive, we must understand the principles of individualism and hold them as our standard in any public question, in every issue we face.  We must have a positive credo, a clear consistent faith.

We must learn to reject as total evil the conception that the common good is served by the abolition of individual rights.  General happiness cannot be created out of general suffering and self-immolation.  The only happy society is one of happy individuals.  One cannot have a healthy forest made up of rotten trees.

The power of society must always be limited by the basic, inalienable rights of the individual.

The right of liberty means man’s right to individual action, individual choice, individual initiative and individual property.  Without the right to private property no independent action is possible.

The right to the pursuit of happiness means man’s right to live for himself, to choose what constitutes his own, private, personal happiness and to work for its achievement.  Each individual is the sole and final judge in this choice.  A man’s happiness cannot be prescribed to him by another man or by any number of other men.

These rights are the unconditional, personal, private, individual possession of every man, granted to him by the fact of his birth and requiring no other sanction.  Such was the conception of the founders of our country, who placed individual rights above any and all collective claims.  Society can only be a traffic policeman in the intercourse of men with one another.

From the beginning of history, two antagonists have stood face to face, two opposite types of men: the Active and the Passive.  The Active Man is the producer, the creator, the originator, the individualist.  His basic need is independence — in order to think and work.  He neither needs nor seeks power over other men — nor can he be made to work under any form of compulsion.  Every type of good work — from laying bricks to writing a symphony — is done by the Active Man.  Degrees of human ability vary, but the basic principle remains the same: the degree of a man’s independence and initiative determines his talent as a worker and his worth as a man.

The Passive Man is found on every level of society, in mansions and in slums, and his identification mark is his dread of independence.  He is a parasite who expects to be taken care of by others, who wishes to be given directives, to obey, to submit, to be regulated, to be told.  He welcomes collectivism, which eliminates any chance that he might have to think or act on his own initiative.

When a society is based on the needs of the Passive Man it destroys the Active; but when the Active is destroyed, the Passive can no longer be cared for.  When a society is based on the needs of the Active Man, he carries the Passive ones along on his energy and raises them as he rises, as the whole society rises.  This has been the pattern of all human progress.

Some humanitarians demand a collective state because of their pity for the incompetent or Passive Man.  For his sake they wish to harness the Active.  But the Active Man cannot function in harness.  And once he is destroyed, the destruction of the Passive Man follows automatically.  So if pity is the humanitarians’ first consideration, then in the name of pity, if nothing else, they should leave the Active Man free to function, in order to help the Passive.  There is no other way to help him in the long run.

The history of mankind is the history of the struggle between the Active Man and the Passive, between the individual and the collective.  The countries which have produced the happiest men, the highest standards of living and the greatest cultural advances have been the countries where the power of the collective — of the government, of the state — was limited and the individual was given freedom of independent action.  As examples: The rise of Rome, with its conception of law based on a citizen’s rights, over the collectivist barbarism of its time.  The rise of England, with a system of government based on the Magna Carta, over collectivist, totalitarian Spain.  The rise of the United States to a degree of achievement unequaled in history — by grace of the individual freedom and independence which our Constitution gave each citizen against the collective.

While men are still pondering upon the causes of the rise and fall of civilizations, every page of history cries to us that there is but one source of progress: Individual Man in independent action.  Collectivism is the ancient principle of savagery.  A savage’s whole existence is ruled by the leaders of his tribe.  Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.  We are now facing a choice: to go forward or to go back.

Collectivism is not the “New Order of Tomorrow.” It is the order of a very dark yesterday.  But there is a New Order of Tomorrow.  It belongs to Individual Man — the only creator of any tomorrows humanity has ever been granted.

I found a link to this writing of Ayn Rands here – I don’t know who owns the rights to it – I think it is important enough to repeat in its entirety.  I don’t believe that Ayn Rand would have wanted her words to languish and not be read by as many people as possible because of copyright laws.  In fact, I think that would be repulsive to her.

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Female Teacher Convicted for Having Sex with Five Eighteen Year Old Students.

Brittni Nicole*******, A former North Texas high school teacher, was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison for having sex with five 18-year-old students at her home.  Three former students who testified Thursday, said that they did not consider themselves victims and did not want to see their former English teacher prosecuted.  The three were football and track athletes.  Arlington police Detective Jason Houston testified that charges were filed because “18 or not, it’s a crime” for a teacher to have sex with her students.

The Tarrant County jury decided on the sentence for Brittni Nicole *******, 28, of Arlington after nearly three hours of deliberation. It took jurors less than an hour to find her guilty earlier in the day of 16 counts of having an inappropriate relationship between a student and teacher. The second-degree felony is punishable by two to 20 years in prison per count.

A 19-year-old testified that he had gone to *******’ home twice with friends and they all engaged in sexual conduct.

Wait a minute.   Stop right there!  Consensual sex between consenting adults is a natural right.  Furthermore there are no laws taught by the public school with the exception of courses that teach the constitution and drivers’ education.  The state at least gives you a test to verify that you know the laws pertinent to driving.  No other laws are taught and no tests are given, not even on the constitutional law.

The movies and TV drama and the TV news impart some pseudo legal knowledge, but they aren’t a reliable source of legal knowledge.

In lieu of untaught law, people have to abide by the de facto/default law: “Cause no harm”.  Brittni Nicole ******* caused no harm.  In fact she gave the boys a sex education and alleviated sexual frustrations in them as well as herself.   I wish I had such a teacher when I was young.  Furthermore, I would suggest that the schools hire a prostitute to help boys overcome the sexual frustrations caused by repressive laws and public schools.

If the school system wants to repress consensual sex, they ought to have everybody sign a contract.  If the contract was broken, the teachers and students could be expelled.  But to brand the woman a felon is worst epitaph of all.  To be branded a felon in America is as bad as being branded a Jew in Nazi Germany.  A felon in America can’t get a job or a mortgage.

People that detest the law in America should be allowed sanctuary some place.  Some state, government or territory should give sanctuary to conscientious objectors to American law.  American law is broken beyond repair and should be destroyed and replaced.

*******’ husband was serving in the military overseas at the time of the encounters. Christopher ******* said Friday that he is mad at his wife, but stands by her “because ’til death do us part means ’til death do us part.”

He said putting her in jail would punish him and their children for something they had no control over.

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American Government Painted inself into Corner

The American government has  allegorically painted itself into a corner from which there is no escape.  Agreements and laws everywhere limit what the government can do.  The only thing the American government can do is to spend more money and increase the debt.

The only way to save America is to destroy government.   The replacement government should be instantly available.

Americans need protection from invasion and criminals.  Consequently, we need all present and future governments to pay their fair share for security.

Let new governments form.  Let them pay for their own expenses and pay to the federal government in proportion to their net worth.  Let them pay a property tax to the federal government.  Let them be a positive cash flow.  They take nothing but security from the federal government.

People could choose to stay with their old government or move to the new government.  The government might not even have a contiguous area.  Maybe a west coast family could be governed by a New England State.  Or perhaps entirely new governments could arise that seal their borders to unfair trade.  Some governments might allow cartels of small companies but exclude monopolies and large companies.

If America is to recover, all governments and laws must be destroyed in a controlled and equitable manner.

The transistion from this mess to the future must not be done violently or in haste.  Books have to be  written describing the new governments in great detail.  ‘Games’ and simulations have to be conducted to insure that nobody gets hurt.

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No Need for Government

I don’t want to be governed; I want only to be protected.  I want to be protected from invasion, criminals, and unfair trade.  I also want an enumerated set of rights protected such as eating, breathing, shelter, clothing, consensual sex, the right to own, the right to work, the right to fair trade, etc.  (See the constitution of Peru if you need clarification).

What I hate about the USA are: Republicans, Democrats, Wall Street, Big Business, Unfair trade, most laws, the constitution, outsourcing, income taxes, billionaires, the perverted distribution of wealth, the court system, the system of democracy, psychiatry, and the school system.  Add the words “in their present form” to all those dislikes.

What I want are:

The ability to choose a government.  I don’t a government picked by a majority, I want to pick my own government!  This is possible!

Alternatively, I want to create my own government with our own laws.  We wouldn’t be squatters, but would provide the army and other protecting forces with a positive cash flow, a group tax/rent.

I keep my friends close but I keep governments closer.

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The American Dream

A century ago all that was required for happiness was 40 acres and a mule, the homestead act or 3 acres and a cow.  A 12 year old bride helped.  Today much the same would be true except that some high tech toys would be necessary.

Government isn’t needed, unless you are wealthy.  If you are wealthy, a government means you don’t have to built a castle or train knights.  If you are wealthy today, all you need to do is hire some bright people to invest your money in stock, bonds, Tbills, real estate or gold.  You don’t have to be overly bright.  The government will protect your investments.  You don’t even need to pay taxes on all your gains – just let the good times roll…

We don’t need wall street, out sourcing, stock, republicans, democrats, this constitution, laws, police, judges, politicians, or any other government service.  All we need are 40 acres and a mule – or tractor.

As I have traveled this country from east to west and from north to south, I find few that disagree with the statement that we should go back to the colonial era of small federal government.  We should keep modern technology, but dump government.  To hell with government.

The only disagreement is from those that have had giant medical bills from family members.

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Exploring the 1/x Distribution of Wealth

Exploring the 1/x distribution of wealth, we explore the reasons why it seems that the more wealthy a person is, the easier it is for him to accumulate wealth. As one looks at the curve, we see that the slope of wealth gets steeper as one accumulates wealth. Why is that?

This is not a natural phenomenon  so we speculate that government aids and abets the billionaires. When we look at the social security tax, we find that it has a reverse gradation. The billionaires pay zero percent of their income to social security, if rounded off to the nearest decimal point. Yet you and I pay approximately 15% of our income, if the employers contribution is included, as it must be in a global economy that puts us in competition with the rest of the world.

And what about capital gains taxes, do they benefit the wealthy?  If a person holds stock for several years, he only has to pay gains the year he sells the stock.  A wage earner, however, has to pay gains every year.  The result is that the capital gain not taxed earns interest.  The wage earner never earns income on the money that immediately goes to government.  Those are two more reasons why it is easier for the wealthy to accumulate wealth.  Government helps the rich get rich.

There are other reasons as well.  Why is it so easy for the wealthy to accumulate wealth?

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