We believe that Utopia is a place where a person a person can live as if there was no government and were no criminals. Utopia would be a place where entrepreneurs could make a living without having to struggle against monopolies and giant slave hiring companies whether domestic or foreign. Utopia would have quite a few millionaires, but few would flaunt their wealth or suggest that they are better because of their wealth.
Utopia would be a place where athletes that are not quite major league caliber could flourish. Utopia would be a place where actors, actresses, singers, musicians and artists that are good but not the best or not well known could flourish, be admired, be respected and make an adequate living.
Utopia is a place where all law can be described by a 200 page book. Utopia is a place where the law is about what’s fair and not about the legalization of deceptive practices. Utopia is a place where the law is about restitution and minimal prophylaxis and not about making mountains out of molehills, or the extortion of large large legal fees by the threat of huge prison sentences for fake ‘crimes’ that do no harm. Utopia is not a place where evidence is falsified or fabricated.
Utopia is a place where the school systems nurture the mutual respect and admiration of each other more than a feeling that others are merely competition. Utopia is a place where knowledge is secondary to the feelings of others. Utopia is a place where, during their public schooling, all continue until they have a 100% grasp of the materials, where progress of the better students is not held back, where the capable students can continue their education, and where time is not a factor in what to study or when.
Utopia is a place where large companies are cartels of smaller companies. Utopia is a place where government is a cartel of smaller companies. Utopia is a place where many can become millionaires but none can make a billion. We believe Utopia would have no billionaires and no wealth redistribution. Utopia would have few that are dependent on welfare or government subsidies.
Utopia is a place of no income taxes. The government exists on relatively small sales taxes. The government is tiny and doesn’t need taxes for welfare, armies, large law enforcement or large bureaucracies.
Utopia would be a place where billionaires would be happy living without their wealth – they could invest their wealth in dystopia.
If you wish to contibute to this Utopia effort, then please contact us via the contact form accessed under the picture of the serene road.