Our “justice system” is pre-disposed to American terrorism and torture like police brutality, false charges, and disproportionate punishment. Our “justice system” doesn’t protect our rights, but instead supports “Pax Rome” or “Pax Washington”. America isn’t crucifying 50,000 on the cross as Rome did, but we’re crucifying 2,000,000 in jails.
I’d rate our justice system, on a scale with a 100 as maximum, as minus 2000. Yeah, a lot of countries are worse.
Our “democracy” is what Plato called an oligarchy.
We have no blueprints for society. We just start laying bricks without any plan. We don’t even have a plan for making a plan.
Everything we do as a society closely resembles the “Milgram Experiment” rather than a group of principles where everyone benifits. Otherwise, how could we spend 2 trillion for a war that more than half of us think is stupid.
The “Free Market” is merely an euphemism for giving access to the American market without complying with any of our laws including copyright laws, patent laws, labor laws, tax laws, etc.
American “freedom” is slavery. Government is like a plantation and we are the slaves giving freely to our owners. What else would you call taxes and all the other fines and “contributions”.
A real democracy wouldn’t have us voting for spending our mutual money. Principles would guide our spending. Principles would be without race, color or creed.
Why is it that 55 black men are incarcerated for every white women? White men sell war. White women sell their bodies. Black men are framed for selling crack.
Why is most of the wealth owned by a fraction of the population?
Why is the hierarchy good?
Why are schools so obsessed with competition and are not teaching the important subjects? I can think of a four year program of courses that should be taught every American none of which are being routinely taught.
Why do people not understand why people kill in colleges and high schools?
Why do we allow Prozac and other stupid drugs?