Criteria for Billionaire Superbowl

Utopian justice should be handled in the following four stages.

1) Establishment of truth
2) Restitution
3) Protection of rights by prophylaxis (probation, rehabilitation, house arrest and incarceration)
4) Pax Utopia – those things designed to use force and the threat of force to establish peace. This should be used very sparingly, if ever.

By comparison, consider the six parts of the present judicial system in America:

1) The policeman’s lies.
2) Threats of disproportionate punishment to extort a “confession”
3) Restitution
4) Protection of rights by prophylaxis.
5) Pax Washington – state sponcered terrorism by disproportionate punishment and torture (mace, tazers, police beatings, legal fees, the inefficient court system of the maximal lie and the death penalty).
6) The American propaganda machine that spews forth amazing lies like “Innocent until proven guilty”.

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Criteria for Billionaire Superbowl

The winning Utopian City-State would:

1) Have a government entirely different from present governments.
2) Have the happiest population.
3) Be financially independent and self-sustaining.
4) Be a model community.
5) Have a justice system that focuses on restitution and efficiency.
6) Be beautiful.
7) Have no poverty via plentiful jobs and people that are willing to work hard.

The winning Utopian City-State would not necessarily

1) Be the wealthiest city-state.
2) Have the most lavish real estate.

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We need a superbowl for billionaires

Matthew 19:24

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

You could say the same of Utopia. “It is easier for a camel to go through a small crawl space than for a rich man to enter into Utopia.”

Those with opulent wealth already think they are in Utopia or Heaven. They not only do not want change, they will suppress change.

The number of those with opulent wealth that want to improve society – to observe and remove the defects of society – are few and far between.

We need a superbowl for billionaires. Which billionaire can build the best Utopian City/State? The winner of the Superbowl for Billionaires would be the billionaire that builds the happiest place, the happiest and most viable Utopian City-State, for ten thousand people to live.

The winning billionaire will have built the City State that has the happiest and contented inhabitants. People will want to move there. People that are there will be happy.

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The Other State of the Union

Our “justice system” is pre-disposed to American terrorism and torture like police brutality, false charges, and disproportionate punishment. Our “justice system” doesn’t protect our rights, but instead supports “Pax Rome” or “Pax Washington”. America isn’t crucifying 50,000 on the cross as Rome did, but we’re crucifying 2,000,000 in jails.

I’d rate our justice system, on a scale with a 100 as maximum, as minus 2000. Yeah, a lot of countries are worse.

Our “democracy” is what Plato called an oligarchy.

We have no blueprints for society. We just start laying bricks without any plan. We don’t even have a plan for making a plan.

Everything we do as a society closely resembles the “Milgram Experiment” rather than a group of principles where everyone benifits. Otherwise, how could we spend 2 trillion for a war that more than half of us think is stupid.

The “Free Market” is merely an euphemism for giving access to the American market without complying with any of our laws including copyright laws, patent laws, labor laws, tax laws, etc.

American “freedom” is slavery. Government is like a plantation and we are the slaves giving freely to our owners. What else would you call taxes and all the other fines and “contributions”.

A real democracy wouldn’t have us voting for spending our mutual money. Principles would guide our spending. Principles would be without race, color or creed.

Why is it that 55 black men are incarcerated for every white women? White men sell war. White women sell their bodies. Black men are framed for selling crack.

Why is most of the wealth owned by a fraction of the population?

Why is the hierarchy good?

Why are schools so obsessed with competition and are not teaching the important subjects? I can think of a four year program of courses that should be taught every American none of which are being routinely taught.

Why do people not understand why people kill in colleges and high schools?

Why do we allow Prozac and other stupid drugs?

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Police Brutality Video

Police Brutality Video
Police Severely Beat Woman
DOJ reports that most police brutality goes unreported

It isn’t just that the police are brutal to women or black people, it is that the police are brutal to everyone. Yes, it happens all the time. People get tired of bringing it to the attention a an apathetic American public where even the political candidates avoid the issue of police brutality like the plague. I searched the campaign sites of Obama, McCain, or Hillary for “police brutality”. I found nothing.

Having analyzed the problem of police brutality for over a decade, I believe that the problem isn’t so much with the police as the American system of justice which ignores police brutality. Police discipline is usually left to the police. The legislators, judges, police schools and courts are to blame. Government is to blame. Candidates don’t discuss the issue. None do. They are the most blame worthy.

On a scale where 100 is maximum, America gets a rating of -2000 (minus 2000) on the subject of police brutality and justice in general. True, America is better that half of the other countries. It’s also small consolation that no other country achieves a positive judicial score.

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Superbowl for Courts

There should be Competition between the courts of the various states. Actors would follow scripts. There would be evidence provided by an independent agency. The court would win that could best determine facts & truth and dispense justice that was fair and impartial. The laws, rules and precedents of each state would be followed. The UN could adjudicate wins and losses. Each state could prepare one hypothetical case. The case to be heard, would be chosen at random. It would be an elimination tournament. When a court loses, it’s out!

The reasons for a verdict would have to be correct. If the verdict was correct, but the key evidence or logic was missed, then the court would get low marks.

I saw actors play out such a trial in Salem, MA. It was a reenactment of a witch trial. The jury (the audience) was instructed to find that the woman was a witch if she talked in “tongues”. There were a couple of similar criteria. It was proven that the woman did meet the required criteria for being a witch. I voted against the guilty verdict because I thought the death penalty was too severe. My audience found the woman innocent of witchcraft by one vote! Half the time the audience found the woman guilty of witchcraft and the judge ordered her hung. (I wonder if they would have reenacted the hanging had I voted differently)

Although the verdict of my audience was correct, the reasons were wrong. I voted the woman innocent of witchcraft simply because I didn’t think the woman deserved to be hung as a witch. In my case the court would have lost because the verdict should have been guilty but for the mores of a few “jurists” that chose not to follow the judge’s instructions.

My estimate, from the facts of my life, is that the courts are playing at the Pop Warner level. Remember that the laws of the state are also fundamental for justice.

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Many Books about injustice; Few Politicans about injustice

There are hundreds of books written about the injustices provided by the American courts. However, there are few, if any, politicians that make injustice part of their political platform. Obama has made a few statements made about injustices of the American courts. The other candidates have made even fewer statements on the subject of injustices, the wrongly convicted and police brutality. If you don’t believe me, do a few searches on the web and leave your findings under comments.

The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for
— black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%)
— black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

Black males are 16.6/.3 or 55 times more likely to be incarcerated as a white women.

Recent books about American injustice:

“Actual Innocence: When Justice Goes Wrong and How to Make it Right”
Here are the stories of innocent men and women-and the system that put them away under the guise of justice. Now updated with new information, Actual Innocence sheds light on “a system that tolerates lying prosecutors, slumbering defense attorneys and sloppy investigators” (Salt Lake Tribune)-revealing the shocking flaws that can derail the legal process and the ways that DNA testing has often shattered so-called solid evidence that condemned American citizens to death.

“In Spite of Innocence”
Few errors made by society can compare with the horror of executing a person wrongly convicted of a crime. This sobering book, which includes an expanded preface, tells the personal stories of over 400 innocent Americans convicted of capital crimes. Some were actually executed; most suffered years of incarceration, many on death row.

“Death and Justice”
Continuing his efforts to parlay his involvement in the O.J. Simpson trial into a career as an author, former Los Angeles Police Detective Fuhrman examines a number of death penalty cases and comes to the surprising conclusion (for those who know his history) that the death penalty is unfair and should be abolished. Figuring prominently in the discussion are Oklahoma County district attorney Bob Macy, a fervent advocate of the death penalty, and police chemist Joyce Gilchrist, fired for mismanagement of the crime lab, but only after submitting crucial evidence in numerous death penalty cases. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

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Garry Kasparov Released from Jail

MOSCOW (AP) — Former chess champion Garry Kasparov, one of President Vladimir Putin’s most celebrated foes, was released from a Moscow jail Thursday after serving his five-day sentence for leading a protest march.

Link to USA Today story

Riot police arrested Kasparov on Saturday after a demonstration that drew thousands of opposition protesters and ended in clashes and dozens of arrests. In a trial that evening, Kasparov was convicted of leading an illegal march that followed the rally, chanting anti-Putin slogans and resisting arrest.

Virtually simultaneous with the death of America’s greatest chess hero – Bobby Fischer – Garry Kasparov was sent to jail. Bobby also protested his government and wound up living his last days in Iceland, the land of his greatest chess triumph. It’s easy to understand why Bobby was mad at his government, as government perturbations can greatly affect and effect us all. Government is at times, if not always, like a bull in a china shop.

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Dear Legislator:

I will prove that the courts of the United States represent a treasonous and tyrannical type of pseudo justice expected only of the commies or Nazis.

The proof relies on the following facts.

1.) We have passed laws that state that any unwanted touching of a police officer can be punished by two years in jail.
2.) People can be sentenced to two years in jail for pushing away pepper spray (refusing the administration of a disabling drug by a person not properly trained in its’ administration)
3.) Jail feeds people raw chicken (a.k.a. ‘Yard Bird’). People have lost 7 pounds in five days on a prison diet.
4.) People have spent time in jail for judicial mistakes.
5.) Once a person has been incarcerated, whether or not innocent, it can take six months to revise and revoke a sentence.
6.) The cost of lawyers to get a person free from these charges costs at least $20,000. Some have spent $10,000,000.00 to disprove similar Nazi/commie government pseudo justice (for example: the lacrosse players at Duke).
7.) “In Spite of Innocence” and “Death and Justice” are two of hundreds of books on the subject of America’s Nazi/Commie justice system. “In Spite of Innocence” is a book about the ordeal of 400 Americans wrongly convicted of crimes punishable by death.

The proof also relies on the truth of the following suppositions. Suppose that:

1.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should protect others from loss and injury of others.
2.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should establish restitution as the fundamental goal of justice.
3.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should establish prophylaxis such as probation, electronic ankle bracelets as the priority two goal for those that are likely to continue to cause loss and injury to others.
4.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should establish prophylaxis such as drug rehabilitation centers as a third priority goal for those that are likely to continue to cause loss and injury to others.
5.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should establish prophylaxis such as prison as a fourth priority goal for those that are likely to continue to cause loss and injury to others and with whom reform has failed.
6.) A principle passed by two thirds of the legislative body states that government should require that all laws that diminish the rights of an individual shall be enacted by a two thirds majority. And (additionally) those laws shall be in accord with previously ordained principles.

None of the above facts are in accord with the suppositions. If you agree with the suppositions, then you must agree that the facts do not comply and therefore, you must conclude that the American system of justice is badly broken.

I can only speculate that the Milgram Experiments suggest why the American “justice system” has gotten this barbaric. The Milgram Experiments suggest that legislators may write laws that cause pain or kill if instructed to do so by their constituents or the courts. The requirement that a two thirds majority be required to pass laws that reduce an individual’s rights would reduce the ‘Milgram Tendencies’ of our legislators.

No candidate even promises to find, let alone fix, the defects in government or our justice system. It wouldn’t even cost money…

I am writing in Al Gore’s name as president if he isn’t on the ballot. Al Gore doesn’t promise to fix the justice system, but he’s the best we’ve got. I don’t want to elect a woman or a black as president as that would only further distract our easily distracted legislators and constituents from the serious problems that have evolved in Nazi/Commie America.

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Boston Globe should win Pulitzer Prize for Article on Courts

The front page Boston Globe article in today’s Sunday paper is entitled: “Courts strip elders of their independence”.

“In a system this broken, I have no doubt that there are numerous elderly people who have been confined to nursing homes against their will even though they are perfectly competent,” Iannella said. “And we have no idea what has happened to any of their life savings.”

Courts strip elders of their independence

I can vouch for the article as I was taken to probate court by Senior Care to force my father to stay in a nursing home. As the legal guardian of my father, I was powerless to even change my father to a better nursing home. The court order forbid me from moving my father to another home or from returning him to the care of his wife in his own home.

My father died in the nursing home not two years later after spending most of his time confined to his bed. He was blind, unable to speak and half paralyzed, but they kept him alive, against the wishes of his living will, with antibiotics and intravenous hydration. My mother died a year later.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Court decisions are usually made based on hearsay evidence. Judges, by nature, hear second hand information which is prejudiced in favor of the state. Sometimes that information is mere opinion or liable as the judges I know haven’t been skilled enough to differentiate fact from fantasy or ad hominem statements from important source. The judges I’ve been exposed to should be in jail.

These Boston Globe articles, if they continue to expose the courts, should win the Pulitzer prize.

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