Capitalism Versus Socialism

Capitalism, in the extreme, can be thought of an auction type trade system with no regulation. Pure capitalism could happen in a system of anarchy (no government). Pure socialism could be thought of as a system where government controls production and the distribution of goods and services.

In pure capitalism we would see prostitution, drug trade, trade of slaves and trade in all types of weapons. Even parts to make nuclear weapons could be bought and sold. Military secrets could be bought and sold. Capitalism is an auction where the highest bidder gets what he wants.

In pure socialism, the government would force workers to produce. The production would be grabbed by other workers and distributed to all. There is no auction. Money could be a coupon.

Then there is what I call cultivated capitalism which is analogous to a garden, nursery or farm. The parasites and predators are controlled. Water is supplied when there is a drought. Fertilizer is added when needed. The soil is tested and the acidity/alkalinity is controlled. Regulations are made as to what plant grows where. Blights and diseases are controlled. Farmers have the choice to grow what they want, how much they want and by what method (organic or chemical).
Isn’t it obvious which system is best?

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Pacifying Americans

The children on these cars think they are driving, even if the cars are on tracks. They love it!

The child adults of America think their vote actually does something. They really get all excited about voting. They even argue with one another as if it meant something.

We argue about what the mysterious “others” want us to argue about. The “tracks” are the perennial issues of abortion, gun laws, taxes and the military. What car do we want? The car made by the Democratic party or the car made by the Republican party. Both cars will go down the same set of tracks (laid by the mysterious others) whether made by the Democrats or the Republicans.

Like cars on the highway. The highway tells us where to go. The cops tell us how fast to go. We have the freedom to crash our vehicle or get a ticket. That’s freedom friends.

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Better American Taxes

We use taxes to redistribute the wealth of the working class while keeping the opulent in total control.

Look at social security. Bill Gates pays 15,000 of 50,000,000,000 in social security. I’ve paid 15,000 of 100,000 (including my employer’s contribution during my best two years) in social security. Bill Gates paid 1/500,000 th the percentage that I paid.

1.) People making less than $100,000 a year should not pay taxes!
2.) People making over $100,000 a year should pay social security.
3.) The spending of federal government should be capped at the present level.
4.) Income over $100,000 should be taxed at a flat rate sufficiently to raise enough to supply the necessary government revenue but capped at 50% for ALL government revenues (property, sales, social security and income). No person should ever pay more than 50% of their income stream to government.
5.) Social security shall be collected from all incomes, but at a reduced rate.
6.) Corporations don’t have to pay taxes or social security. A national sales tax, capped at 7%, replaces this revenue.
5.) Amendment XVI should be modified to reflect the above.

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This Site Endorses Paris Hilton and the Libertarian Party

Paris Hilton Adv Why not?

This site also endorses the Libetarian Party. The following statement of principles is from the Libertarian Party site at Libertarian Statement of Principles

We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.

We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their labor without their consent.

We, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that where governments exist, they must not violate the rights of any individual: namely, (1) the right to life — accordingly we support the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech and action — accordingly we oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property — accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud, and misrepresentation.

Since governments, when instituted, must not violate individual rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of individual rights, is the free market.

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Needed Tax Amendments for America

The majority doesn’t have the right to take from the minority. The majority doesn’t have the right to kill any minority. Nor does the majority have the right to decide the tax rate on the minority. On this premise, our ignorant/evil legislators just decided that taxing everybody was fair. Talk about stupid!

American government goes one step below mere ignorance. The American government actually becomes evil – not merely ignorant, because it allows the MINORITY to determine the taxes of the MAJORITY!

Tax principles are sufficiently important that they need constitutional amendments!

Such constitutional amendments would specify:
1) The total revenue that could be collected by government as a percentage of the GDP (or something like that).
2) That the income and property that the average family needs for housing, food, transportation, clothing, health and education should not be taxed.
3) Social Security taxes should be flat across the entire income range. Furthermore, any amount borrowed from the social security fund shall be paid interest at the prevailing rate. Also, social security revenues shall not be used for any other purpose other than retirement.

Say NO to our evil/ignorant government!

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You are Endorsed for President

The UtopianStates only endorses YOU for president. Write your name in as a write-in candidate for president if you think that the only right of government is to protect the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of their citizens.

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want a flat tax with a $50,000 dollar deduction (for a family of four) and a $200,000 deduction on property taxes.

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want government to actively find, publish, and remedy defects.

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want government to have judicial systems that make restitution their primary goal.

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want government to have department of crime prevention (formerly misnamed justice) which makes proportionate prophylaxis their primary goal.

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want the tenth amendment expanded to fully enumerate your rights (such as the right to eat, breath, have sex, own property, have income, etc)

Write in your name as a write-in vote for president if you want the option of having representatives in your district randomly selected from a pool of applicants with IQ’s over 100 (or with Bachelor’s degrees.)

CopyRight 2008. Credit must be given to if anything on this site is copied or even paraphrased.

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The God Damn List – Definition

The God Damn List is a list of those people and groups that have made mountains out of mole hills or mole hills out of mountains. This is not a thought crime. Force has to be also be used that causes loss, harm or injury.

A judge would make the God Damn List if he allowed incriminating evidence to be exaggerated while simultaneously allowing exculpatory evidence to be minimized. The resulting verdict would also have to cause harm, loss or injury.

A government would make the God Damn list if that country exaggerated the benefits of a program while simultaneously minimizing the cost of a program or policy.

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A Viable Flat Tax

The flat tax could be made viable if there was a large enough deduction. If there were NO taxes or social security deductions for the part of an individual’s income that was essential for food, shelter, clothing and health care, the flat tax would work and be reasonably fair. There should not even be property taxes on the portion of a person’s property that is absolutely essential for shelter. These deductions would have to be several times larger than the current deductions.

A person with opulent wealthy accumulates wealth easily because most of his income can be invested to make more money. A person with average wealth struggles because government takes so much from the income stream that is absolutely essential for food, clothing, shelter, clothing and health care.

Near most metropolitan cities, a family of four would require that NO taxes or social security deductions be taken from the first $50,000 worth of income. That family would also require that the first $200,000 worth of property that he owned have NO property taxes. The actual amount would vary from state to state and from area to area.

After these deductions, a family could invest the remainder of their income. It would be possible. Consequently, they have a level playing field with those of opulent wealth, with one exception. Those with opulent wealth still don’t have to spend the majority of their income on food, shelter, clothing and health. However, the playing field has been sufficiently leveled that the taxes and social security contributions could flat for the remainder of their income for both those with average wealth and those with opulent wealth.

The tax rate for the opulently wealthy would probably increase by 5%. This change in the method of taxation would provide a considerable stimulus to the economy. Those with incomes under $100,000 would see a substantial reduction in their tax liability. People could even afford to retire, if they could buy a small property that had no property taxes.

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Reboot America to 1792

The government of 1792 America was superior to today’s government if only because the lack of taxes, bureaucracy and law would facilitate easy improvement. Surprisingly, ultra liberals, ultra conservatives, radicals, and reactionaries, agree. This isn’t only a right or left wing conclusion; this is a unifying principle. You see, right really does meet left. It isn’t just theory.

The years subsequent to 1792 showed that that early government was flawed. The bill of rights didn’t protect human rights sufficiently to protect the Indians and slaves from subjugation, abuse, torture and even death.. Nor did those early rights give women the right to vote. The 1792 enumeration of rights were not sufficient to keep government from denying rights to prisoners and other captives. The 1792 enumeration of rights did not grant sufficient rights to taxpayers and property owners. The 1792 enumeration of rights were also not sufficient to keep government from thinking that government itself — the laws, procedures, and buildings — were more important than the collective population. The 1792 enumeration of rights were also not sufficient to keep government, and government employees from being accorded prejudicially favored treatment.

With some adjustments to the bill of rights, this government could be rebooted to a much saner government.

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Obama’s losing votes yet winning polls

My informal polling in barber shops, classes, work environment, at home and with friends does not find ANY that have indicated they intend to vote for Obama or even that they like Obama. This poll was conducted in Massachusetts among voters that traditionally vote with the Democratic party. The numbers and results of the poll are statistically significant enough to say with 99% confidence that Obama will NOT get 50% of the vote in Massachusetts.

The results of my informal poll compare favorably to recent election results between Hillary and Obama.

There is no evidence or reason to believe that people than preferred Bush to Gore were reversing their preferences. There is no reason or evidence to indicate that people that voted for Bush in the last two elections will now vote for Obama.

There is evidence and reason to believe that women and others that supported Hillary are now making plans NOT to vote for Obama.

Only half the Democratic party voted for Obama. This 25% of the population was comprised of people of African decent (about 13% of the population). In other words, Fifty percent of the people that voted for Obama were predominately of African decent. Obama will not get this favorable an outcome from an electorate that is 77% on non African decent.

Major polling companies give Obama a 5% lead in the general election. This, when compared with the first several paragraphs shows a split in the space-time continuum. The given explanation that the young are voting for Obama is not an adequate reason to explain the totally irreconcilable differences between observation and traditional polls. My poll is somewhat flawed in that it was taken of a population set that is significantly older and more white than normal. Some Hispanics contributed to the poll.

Conclusion: The polling organizations are either lying or there is unexplained phenomena or meddling at work.

I don’t presently endorse any candidate.

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