Rights and Myths

The only right of government should be to protect our rights. Americans should have the right to earn an income sufficient to pay for food, shelter, health care, transportation and clothing (although clothing is unnecessary except for the fat and the old). We should not be taxed on the income required for these basics – those earning more than 100K a year can easily pay all taxes.


Another issue. The current economic plight got started with freetrade; a collection of myths centering on beliefs that America is a perpetual motion machine, that America doesn’t need to produce anything, that lawyers can manage production, that lawyers produce.

Hell, I think I’ll go to Walmart and buy a bunch of old legal papers!

Maybe we should have the Supreme court decide that men can walk around in underwear with their pants around their ankles; that gays can marry; that police brutality should be protected; that we should punish people that burn the flag and bury old flags; that elections shouldn’t be decided by counting votes.

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Bars of Light

Ever seen a spectrum made from visible light?

Some colors have a lot of power, some have none.

Same with the intelligence of people and government.

There is a lot of knowledge in some areas and none in others.

Americans have NO knowledge of the potential of other ways of organizing government. Why should they? It hasn’t been taught. There aren’t even books on the subject.

For example, I have been pushing a lottocracy for ten years. Still don’t hear many other talking about it. Plato talked more about it 2600 years ago. Did you know that? It’s very basic.

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Why fix America rather than leave?

Humanity first.

America can be improved as much as the Model T, as much as the Wright brother’s first plane, as much as Radio Shack’s model I computer, as much as early medical procedures, as much as early chemistry, and as much as early astronomy.

What prevents it?

People that are pessimistic and afraid..
People with no imagination.
People that have been betrayed by greedy and stupid politicians.
People taught propaganda and perverted history rather than possibilities.
People subjugated by a cult of lawyers.

Do you see?

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The “Country First” slogan from John McCain.

I can respect the “Country First” slogan from John McCain.

1) The slogan has to do with his feelings and is not advice for government (hopefully).
2) That slogan had genesis in his Hanoi POW cell.
3) That slogan is to implicate that Obama does not place country first but that Obama places Obama first.

Nevertheless, I think slogans like that compromise the lowest level of thinking. Feeble brains use them as principles.

This site is in favor of the use of lottocracies of the able to select our representatives and candidates.

Rights First has always been the motto of this site. We only have a nation worth protecting if that nation puts the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness first. Those are natural rights as are the right to eat, drink, breath, own property, reproduce and speak freely. The nation that puts individial rights first is the only nation that is worth protecting.

The only right of a nation is to protect our individual and natural rights. That is the promise of America.

You can build a country by making a list of human rights and then writing a constitution that protects those rights. Writing a constitution that puts the rights of government first is a recipe for tyranny.

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Al Gore’s Comments at the DNC

Al Gore’s Comments at the DNC

Take it from me, if it had ended differently, we would not be bogged down in Iraq, we would have pursued bin Laden until we captured him. We would not be facing a self-inflicted economic crisis; we would be fighting for middle-income families. We would not be showing contempt for the Constitution; we’d be protecting the rights of every American regardless of race, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation. And we would not be denying the climate crisis; we’d be solving it.

Al Gore

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A Lottocracy could have selected Sarah Palin

I approve of Sarah Palin even as I don’t approve of the Republican party (Country first is backward, what about humanity first?)

Palin is an all American family with all American problems. The members of her family have experienced America’s typical ups and downs. She brings a firsthand knowledge of America’s typical problems into the new administration.

Palin has not been corrupted by party politics, not been influenced by special interest groups, not been bribed by lobbyists, not been bought by campaign financiers and not been perverted by the national media.

Palin is the type of person a lottocracy would produce. I, of course, approve of lottocracies. I especially approve of lottocracies that select from a pool of the college educated and use a voting process for subsequent terms.

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Individual Rights First!

Rights First has always been the motto of this site. We only have a nation worth protecting if that nation puts the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness first. Those are natural rights as are the right to eat, drink, breath, own property, reproduce and speak freely. The nation that puts individial rights first is the only nation that is worth protecting.

The only right of a nation is to protect our individual and natural rights. That is the promise of America.

The RNC has the motto “Country First”. I hope the RNC realizes that that only applies to a country that protects the individual and natural rights of their citizens.

You can build a country by making a list of human rights and then writing a constitution that protects those rights. Putting country first and then writing a constitution only builds a tyranny.

I can, however, respect the “Country First” slogan from John McCain.

1) The slogan has to do with his feelings and is not advice for government (hopefully).
2) That slogan had genesis in his Hanoi POW cell.
3) That slogan is to implicate that Obama does not place country first but that Obama places Obama first.

Nevertheless, I think slogans like that compromise the lowest level of thinking; feeble brains use them as principles.

This site is in favor of the use of lottocracies of the able to select our representatives and candidates.

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Good people struggle in America

Good people struggle in America. There is no magic bullet for success. Jobs for the college educated have been outsourced. One in a million makes it in sports. Real Estate is depreciating. Our children are indentured slaves to near infinite debt. Police brutality is protected. Fines and punishment of entire families soar. We sacrifice some children at the altar of the military. We sacrifice more at the altar of the oil barons. Our democracy is an illusion. Our justice is evil.

It is irresponsible to extol the virtues of this government.

This nation has tremendous potential. There’s plenty of land and water. Natural resources are plentiful. Solar and Geo energy is infinite. The American people are willing to wear the yoke and toil without complaint for government and the opulent. The American people are capable of tremendous sacrifice bordering on the stupid. We have been educated to work and be blind to government flaws. America is the sleeping giant.

It is irresponsible to let America sleep.

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A solution to the two party system

Russian President Nikita Khrushchev told President Nixon:

“If people believe there’s an imaginary river out there, you don’t tell them there’s no river there. You build an imaginary bridge over the imaginary river.”

If we consider that the two party system is an imaginary bridge, what is the imaginary river that they solve? The two party system is real enough, but what’s the bridge do? It seems to give control to a group of mysterious people that don’t have to have an obvious agenda. This group just argues about imaginary problems while the real agenda proceeds driven by those in control. Can’t call those in control leaders, because they are really dictating the agenda. Perhaps the two party system is an imaginary way that Americans get imaginary leaders.

Perhaps the imaginary river is our form of democracy. Of course the concept of democracy is imaginary because we are voting for people to vote for us. If that were the case, our democracy might not be imaginary but that the people that represent us can promise anything and deliver nothing. To make our democracy even more imaginary, there are false issues that are argued year in and year out while real issues go without any debate. Why, for example, is police brutality protected by the courts and the statutes?

The imaginary bridge to our imaginary democracy solves the problem of how to narrow down the number of candidates and the number of issues so that the media can sell the candidates. This solution creates a fallacy of too few choices or, worded differently, the fallacy of a false dichotomy. Of course false dichotomies are used to fool and brainwash people, as are all fallacies.

A solution to the problem of the two party system can be created without finding out who is really in control and what the hidden agenda of both parties are. This solution was created in 600BC an touted as the true democracy by none other than Plato himself. The system was implemented and used in Athens, the cradle of democracy.

The solution to the two party systems and all the related problems is the lottocracy. Randomly drawing the names of our Representatives from a pool of all Americans that have a degree from a four year accredited university would solve many problems. The two party system would be eliminated. Proportional numbers of each profession would be selected – not all the representatives would be lawyers. Proportional numbers of each sex, race and creed would be selected. Lobbies would be eliminated. The need to hear speeches filled with false promises would be eliminated. The need to raise money would be eliminated. Fear of reprisals from powerful blocks of voters-contributors would be eliminated.

A lottocracy would eliminate the imaginary bridge to the imaginary river.

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Do Politicians get it?

Americans want world peace, low taxes, medical care, more jobs, better paying jobs, justice, an affordable house, affordable college educations, affordable energy, a robust economy and a retirement plan. Americans also want safe homes, workplaces, cities and country.

Note that Americans do not want more outsourcing, more competition from abroad, bigger government, war, or more taxes. Nor do Americans want more lawyers, more laws, more trials, or more judges. Nor do Americans want to continue to protect police brutality, send innocent people to jail, huge fines or disproportionate punishment.

Why is it Americans want paragraph one and get paragraph 2?

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