Presidents and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Any predictions of what a president with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder would be like?

The Criteria for the Narcissistic Personality Disorder follow. They are from Wikipedia.

DSM Criteria
A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

1.) has a grandiose sense of self-importance
2.) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
3.) believes that he or she is “special” and unique
4.) requires excessive admiration
5.) has a sense of entitlement
6.) is interpersonally exploitative
7.) lacks empathy
8.) is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
9.) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

5,6,7 are the scary ones. Would the president or candidate be humble? Would they be self-centered? Is this disorder relevent to the present president and presidential candidates?

Self Centeredness

In psychology, egocentrism is defined as a) the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, including other people and b) the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self. The term derives from the Greek egô, meaning “I”. An egocentric person has a limited theory of mind, cannot fully “put himself in other peoples’ shoes,” and believes everyone sees what he/she sees (or that what he/she sees, in some way, exceeds what others see)

It appears that this egocentric stance towards the world is present mostly in younger children. They are unable to separate their own beliefs, thoughts and ideas from others. For example, if a child sees that there is candy in a box, he assumes that someone else walking into the room also knows that there is candy in that box. He implicitly reasons that “since I know it, you should too”. As stated previously this may be rooted in the limitations in the child’s theory of mind skills. However, it does not mean that children are unable to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. As far as feelings are concerned, it is shown that children exhibit empathy early on and are able to cooperate with others and be aware of their needs and wants.

Maybe it doesn’t matter…

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Texas goes on Execution Frenzy

Ten executions will happen in Texas between October 20 and November 20.

Bobby Woods is scheduled to die Thursday, Eric Nenno on October 28, Gregory Wright the 30th, Elkie Taylor on November 6, George Whitaker on November 12, Denard Manns on November 13, Eric Cathey on November 18, Rogelio Cannady on November 19, Robert Hudson on November 20.

Arguably the only right of government is to protect the rights of their citizens, the right to life being the most important. The ‘high tech’ method of protection is apparently state sponsored terrorism. Apparently the terror of an execution is expected to cause obedience with state mandates. Of course the state’s best argument for their cultish death mongering requires that the state is perfect in their determination of guilt and that their techniques of torture don’t produce any false confessions. The religion of punishment – government and their justice system – is arrogant and bold.


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Vermont, Maine only states to let inmates vote

Yahoo News

RUTLAND, Vt. – The prison inmates had to think for a moment when Missy Shea of the Vermont Secretary of State’s office asked them to name the only crime that would prevent an incarcerated person from voting in the state.

“Murder,” answered one of the men gathered in the library of the Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility. Others guessed treason or domestic assault.

“You’re all going to have really good answers, but you’re not going to get it,” Shea said during a voter registration session at the jail earlier this month. “Election fraud.”

No one in Vermont can remember the last time anyone was convicted of election fraud, making it and Maine the only two states that allow all inmates to vote. Officials in both states say interest in voting in the presidential election is up among prisoners as Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain campaign for the White House.

“We do have a fair number of prisoners who are doing it,” said Jeffrey Merrill, warden at the maximum-security Maine State Prison in Warren.

It’s about time! Yeah Maine and Vermont.

When you think about it, inmates are the frequently the only ones with all the facts of their guilt or innocence. Judges and juries are relying on hearsay. Since a lawyer manufactured lie is usually the best defense, Judges and juries are always in doubt, unless they are fools or the circumstantial evidence is absolute.

Inmates are in the know about police brutality, disproportionate punishment, fabricated convictions, and the protection of police butality by government. They should be allowed to vote.

How many times have you heard police brutality mentioned by politicians this year? Answer: none. Since the police are allowed to vote and their victims are not, police brutality and other crimes of the state against the incarcerated will not only continue, but expand.

All states must give inmates the right to vote! We give people with IQ’s under 100 the right to vote. Why not give the victims of our government the right to vote?

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Who Caused the Economic Crisis?

The following article is from

It’s true that key Democrats opposed the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, which would have established a single, independent regulatory body with jurisdiction over Fannie and Freddie – a move that the Government Accountability Office had recommended in a 2004 report. Current House Banking Committee chairman Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts opposed legislation to reorganize oversight in 2000 (when Clinton was still president), 2003 and 2004, saying of the 2000 legislation that concern about Fannie and Freddie was “overblown.” Just last summer, Senate Banking Committee chairman Chris Dodd called a Bush proposal for an independent agency to regulate the two entities “ill-advised.”

But saying that Democrats killed the 2005 bill “while Mr. Obama was notably silent” oversimplifies things considerably. The bill made it out of committee in the Senate but was never brought up for consideration. At that time, Republicans had a majority in the Senate and controlled the agenda. Democrats never got the chance to vote against it or to mount a filibuster to block it.

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Obama’s Resume (extracted from Wikipedia)


* Studied at Occidental College for two years.
* Transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. Obama graduated with a B.A. from Columbia in 1983
* Harvard Law School from 1988 – 1991.

Work Experience:

* Worked a year at the Business International Corporation.

* Worked at the New York Public Interest Research Group.

* Director of Developing Communities Project (DCP), a church-based community organization originally comprising eight Catholic parishes in Greater Roseland (Roseland, West Pullman, and Riverdale) on Chicago’s far South Side, and worked there for three years from June 1985 to May 1988.

* Consultant and instructor for the Gamaliel Foundation, a community organizing institute.

* Worked at a fellowship at the University of Chicago Law School where he wrote his book Dreams from My Father.

* Beginning in 1992, Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School , being first classified as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996

* Illinois State legislator, 1997–2004. Obama was reelected to the Illinois Senate in 1998, and again in 2002. In 2000, he lost a Democratic primary run for the U.S. House of Representatives to four-term incumbent Bobby Rush by a margin of two to one. During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms.

*U.S. Senator, from 2005. Obama’s expected opponent in the general election, Republican primary winner Jack Ryan, withdrew from the race in June 2004. In July 2004, Obama wrote and delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. In August 2004, two months after Ryan’s withdrawal and less than three months before Election Day, Alan Keyes accepted the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination to replace Ryan. In the November 2004 general election, Obama received 70% of the vote.

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Food crops and flowers are always good

Parasites and predators are usually bad.
Food crops and flowers are always good.

Taxation, suppression, harm and injury are usually bad.
Individual human rights are always good.

Propaganda, fallacies and deception are usually bad.
Communication and truth are always good.

Monopolies and government are usually bad.
Corporations in a slightly competitive, fair, and not dangerous environment are always good.

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Liberal programs are poorly engineered

The words Liberal and Conservative are both good words and philosophies. Neither word applies to today’s Republicans or Democrats.

The words are deliberately mangled by both political parties today.
1.) Attach a label to a party.
2.) Mangle the definition and “win”.

However, the programs of social security, welfare, section 8, Medicare and Medicaid are linked more closely to the Democratic party. They are also linked to individual rights in that people have the right to food, shelter, clothing, and medical health. In as much as they are linked to individual rights, they are liberal. Hence, in the minds of many, Liberal equals Democratic and vice versa.

Government programs are run not to provide individual rights, but in an effort to solve government problems, like how to get people that are disabled out of the health care system and off the streets. Don’t want people dying on the streets or consuming all the resources of our hospitals. And they are run to provide revenue for nursing homes owned by wealthy republicans. They are run to get people out of the ghettoes, which are an embarrassment for government. The problem is that these programs are poorly managed and run and engineered not to maximize human rights at minimal cost, but so that politician-lawyers can gloat about how they care about the poor. These programs are used more for propaganda, illusion and delusion than for providing maximum benefits to a maximum number of people at the lowest cost. Hitler, in an analogous manner, kept some Auschwitz Jews comfortably “resettled” for purposes of propaganda, illusion and delusion.

Badly engineered, ineffective and expensive programs have been labeled liberal. They have degraded the liberal concept.

No, Democrats are not liberal anymore than Republicans are conservatives. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have advanced poorly engineered and thought-out programs not to maximize individual rights, but to maximize votes.

Unlike a well run and competitive company, government has NO quality control and no competition with which to maximize their product – except to maximize bragging rights and hence votes. Tis a most poor system created by lawyers that aren’t educated in engineering, economics, or production, but rather in using the legal system to tax their clients.

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Who Won the Debates?

1.) If you are consulting polls to determine the winner of a debate, remember that Kerry won every poll handily but lost the election. Why? Because the Democratic Party sent out links to the internet polls and encouraged their people to vote on all the polls.

2.) The correct answers would refer to a well written book by some title such as “taxation for the optimal creation of high paying jobs”. The book would be well written, full of examples, calculations, data, fact, history and sources. It might be supported by computer simulation and could include computer programs and printouts.

3.) Logically, the debate is only won by logic and fact. It would take an expert that researched all the logic and fact to be able to correctly determine the winner. The winning argument wouldn’t contain relevant fallacies or have large errors in the most relevant facts.

4.) Both candidates present their proposals like two stick figures. One does a better job than the other. The irritating fact is that sometimes the candidates support both sides of an issue. They will offer solutions that support both sides. That way they can’t be wrong. One candidate is particularly guilty.

5.) In other words, vague, shifting, and contradictory answers are not the result of any intellectual group and not worthy of support.

Nobody should have won the debates. One did better…

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Advisors to the Presidents are Bad

What shoulda been done isn’t always what needs to be done.

Kinda like the admonishment that we shouldn’t fight yesterday’s battles.

A solution that isn’t engineered well isn’t going to get the job done either. Beams too small or beams too large do not a good bridge make – both could collapse.

I think the advisors to the presidents are bad. Colleges aren’t doing a good job educating people about economics; the free trade experiment wasn’t engineered.

McCain’s troop surge may have been the right idea even if the war was NOT. The war was not won because the price was too high to consider a victory. However, the legacy of a total disaster from an immediate withdrawal, as Obama preached, may have ruined America’s future ability to use military force.

Both Obama and McCain are light weights. So are the present crop of advisors.

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America’s Decline started with Free trade and Outsourcing

1.) Free trade cost America jobs.

2.) The old methods of lowering interest rates and taxes were tried to stimulate the production of jobs by giving Americans more money to buy more.

3.) The old methods didn’t work well because Americans weren’t producing anything but houses, health care, excessive government, prison space, the military, mortgage securities and legal defenses against inflated charges by the police.

4.) Those things were stimulated. Chinese production was also stimulated. America built more homes. America outsourced mortgage securities.

5.) America needed more people buying homes so we started giving mortgages to people without verifying their incomes.

6.) America increased the interest rates to burst the bubble on housing prices. With outsourcing and free trade, that bubble was all that was keeping America going.

7.) Housing values dropped. People without sufficient incomes to pay mortgages lost their homes. Dropping housing values decreased jobs.

8.) Suddenly there weren’t sufficient jobs for even the verified incomes. More people lost their jobs. More people lost their homes.

9.) Housing prices dropped further. Mortgages became higher than the value of homes. People lost their life savings.

10.) It started with unlimited and unrestricted free trade and outsourcing.

11.) The predictions of H Ross Perot and Karl Marx have been fulfilled.

12.) Once the dominos started falling, there is no sane choice left but to stop the chain reaction.

13.) Failed companies must be resurrected.

14.) Unlimited Free trade and outsourcing must immediately be arrested by either tariffs or a sales tax on both foreign and domestic products accompanied by a reduction in corporate taxes on American manufacturing and a lessening of the incentives to outsource.

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