Galileo – Utopianstates Hero

Galileo was treated like a heretic for having a different viewpoint. Today one sees a lot of that. When a leader offers a viewpoint different from the media, the legal system, or the major political parties, that person becomes branded a heretic, shunned, ignored and abused. Galileo was a great man for standing his ground and maintaining his viewpoint even when forced to publically state otherwise. In the end, he prevailed. For keeping his viewpoint, expeditiously agreeing with the powers when necessary and ultimately prevailing, he is a hero.


Galileo Galilei (15 February 1564 – 8 January 1642) was a Tuscan (Italian) physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His achievements include improvements to the telescope and consequent astronomical observations, and support for Copernicanism. Galileo has been called the “father of modern observational astronomy”, the “father of modern physics”, the “father of science”, and “the Father of Modern Science.” The motion of uniformly accelerated objects, taught in nearly all high school and introductory college physics courses, was studied by Galileo as the subject of kinematics. His contributions to observational astronomy include the telescopic confirmation of the phases of Venus, the discovery of the four largest satellites of Jupiter, named the Galilean moons in his honor, and the observation and analysis of sunspots. Galileo also worked in applied science and technology, improving compass design.

Galileo’s championing of Copernicanism was controversial within his lifetime. The geocentric view had been dominant since the time of Aristotle, and the controversy engendered by Galileo’s presentation of heliocentrism as proven fact resulted in the Catholic Church’s prohibiting its advocacy as empirically proven fact, because it was not empirically proven at the time and was contrary to the literal meaning of Scripture. Galileo was eventually forced to recant his heliocentrism and spent the last years of his life under house arrest on orders of the Roman Inquisition.

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The Macro Marketplace of Free Trade Agreements

A farmer would not let his food crops fight it out with the weeds, the predators, and the parasites. The farmer must decide what food crops he wants. He must cultivate and nourish the most profitible crops. The market-place is where; ultimately, a price for the farmer’s efforts is established. No rules, regulations or restrictions on the farmers need be made. The marketplace is the law.

Between nations, government is like the farmer. Between nations there is a Macro marketplace. Currently this “Market Place” is a system of Free Trade agreements which establishes prices on a macroscopic level. This macro marketplace of the “Free Trade Agreements” is at times extremely unfair to those corporations and groups of individuals that are subjected, through no fault of their own, to the most intense competition. Careers are lost by the millions. Wages are mitigated or increased. People’s lives are made, compromised or ruined based on the “Free Trade Agreements”, which constitute the macro marketplace between nations.

The macro marketplace is not in the stores, but between nations that decide what they want to cultivate and nourish. If the governments want to compete in the international marketplace, they cannot place so many restrictions on their workers that they cannot compete. They must adjust the wages and expenses of their workers to match the workers that they are competing with.

See what I mean? There is actually a dual marketplace. There is the macro market between nations and the mini marketplace of the stores. The nations must decide what they want to sell and cultivate those products for sale by making their workers as well nourished as the competition. This macro marketplace has to be more mature. Governments have to decide what they are going to sell and bid for the market. There should be some type of a macro marketplace whereby countries actually compete. Countries should say “I will allow you to have a tariff of X million dollars if you let us sell Y million widgets in your market. The product from each country would have the proper tariff added to the price or the selling country might pay the buying country a lump sum for access to their marketplace.

The macro market is currently a system of “Trade Agreements” which are not equitable in either the macro marketplace between nations or in the micro market place within the stores. This macro marketplace must mature. Governments must better manage their “food crops” or those governments will cease to exist. America must better manage the macro marketplace, or America will cease to exist.

The macro marketplace between nations largely establishes which products a nation will buy and sell. The prices are essentially established NOT by a FREE MARKET, but by trade agreements. Not directly you understand but indirectly. The mini marketplace of the stores has a minor effect on prices.

America must better manage the macro marketplace, or America will cease to exist. In the future, Americans may not own their own country.

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Reasons for a progressive tax in America

Question: Can anyone give me a reasonable argument for having a progressive tax?

One starts with the assumption that it is unfair to tax the money needed for food, shelter, clothing transportation and health care.

With that assumption, a country should have at least a two tier tax rate. The first tier would be zero percent. The second tier would be the rate needed to extort enough money to buy votes to win the next election.

But it gets more complicated because government wants to encourage you do what they want. Government kind of wants to be able to force you to do things by giving you a tax break. But to give you a tax break, they have to give you another tier so that they can reduce your taxes.

But it gets even more complicated because of social security. Social Security is a reverse progressive tax that taxes the middle class at a higher rate than the rich. That’s not good. So they design the tax system to tax at a flat rate when social security is included (social security deductions are really taxes).

So to make a long story short, you have a flat tax but don’t think you do so you bend over to get the tax breaks. And that is why you need a progressive tax in the USA!

[The Utopian States doesn’t do it that way!]

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Benchmarks for Democrats

Now that the Democrats are in complete control, they have no excuses.

1.) The first Benchmark for the Democrats is to create tens of millions of new jobs. Note that there are about 50 million Americans that are not working. They are officially listed as having “Dropped out of the work force.” This job creation can be spread over four years. This will create more government revenue and more personal wealth to make mortgage payments easier.

2.) The second Benchmark for the Democrats is to increase the median rate of income by 50%. The minimum wage should increase by the same amount. Two people earning minimum wage should minimally be able to support a family of three. This will make health care more universal.

3.) The third Benchmark is social security. Social Security revenue has to increase. Social Security disbursements have to increase. Someone that has paid into social security for 40 years should at least be able to collect a wage comparable to the minimum wage. If benchmarks 1 & 2 are met, this benchmark will automatically be met.

4.) The fourth Benchmark is health care. All Americans must be covered for basic needs. Americans need health care to pay for setting broken bones, for curing infections, for basic dental work, and for basic operations. If benchmarks 1 & 2 are met, this benchmark will be much easier to meet.

5.) The fifth benchmark is paying off the bank bailout. The bank bailout needs to be mitigated. If benchmarks 1 & 2 are met, this benchmark will be much easier to meet.

6.) The sixth benchmark is paying off down the public debt. The treasury debt needs to be reduced. . If benchmarks 1 & 2 are met, this benchmark will be much easier to do.

7.) The seventh benchmark is to reduce the trade deficit. This will make benchmarks 1 & 2 easier to meet.

8.) The eighth benchmark is to eliminate corporate taxes. This will make benchmarks 1 & 2 easier to meet.

9.) The ninth benchmark is to reduce the size of government. This will happen as the result of achieving benchmarks 1 & 2. This will also decrease the need for new tax revenues thus facilitating benchmark eight.

10.) The ninth benchmark is to reduce legal attacks by government on the American people via fines and excessive regulation. This will increase American productivity both by the elimination of wasted time and effort as well as through increased happiness.

11.) The tenth benchmark is to reduce disproportionate punishment perhaps the highest in the world. This will increase American productivity both by the elimination of wasted time and effort as well as through increased happiness.

12.) The eleventh benchmark is to reduce lower the rate of incarceration, perhaps the highest in the world. This will increase American productivity both by the elimination of wasted time and effort as well as through increased happiness.

13.) The thirteenth benchmark is to reduce police brutality, perhaps the highest in the world. Currently government actually protects police brutality. This will increase American productivity both by the elimination of wasted time and effort as well as through increased happiness.

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No ad hoc changes to government

Main Entry: 1ad hoc
Pronunciation: ˈad-ˈhäk, -ˈhōk; ˈäd-ˈhōk
Function: adverb
Etymology: Latin, for this
Date: 1659
: for the particular end or case at hand without consideration of wider application

Regardless of who wins, I strongly hope that NO ad hoc changes to government be made. Let us enter into a period of engineered social changes. Let the entire system be macroscopically planned. Let the states, cities, corporations and people micro manage. Government should write and publish interesting 200 page books that are readable and understandable – as if government was trying to sell the plan to the people. Let NO president act like a dictator or messiah. The decision to vote up or down any plan should be by a sixty percent margin. Regardless of the plan, it should be engineered into a comprehensive plan and not just an ad hoc patch.

Arnold said that one candidate’s plans are like a stick figures. They need meat. Let’s not have any stick figure plans even if accompanied by a thousand pages of useless paperwork.

The consumption tax is a tool. It should be engineered into a system engineered to produce jobs. Jobs must be created. We can no longer run a government of ad hoc policies. In a world where governments are competing with each other to make jobs for their people, our government must try to plan, engineer, and be smart. A government of collected ad hoc bills and ideas, like ours, is a government than will soon be extinct. The American government is NOT competitive.

As for income redistribution, a few years ago the average family income was $100,000 while the median family income was $40,000. The median income should be $66,000, I believe. America should be engineered so that the median income is around $66,000. The average income should not change.

Only income above $40,000 a year should be taxed.

Regardless of the plan, it should be engineered into a comprehensive plan and not just an ad hoc patch.

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Election Predictions

Minutes after the fall of the second tower on 911, I predicted that American would bomb barren mountains, invade an innocent country and never find Bin Laden.

Let me try again. Who will become president?

I see major surprises on election night. I see early jubilation in the McCain camp, perhaps only because they did better than they expected. I see sedateness in the Democratic camp. Perhaps the Democrats didn’t do as well as expected. Who wins? I don’t know. It couldn’t be McCain. That couldn’t happen according to the polls. Obama must win, but I don’t see it or don’t want to see it.

What are the predictions if each candidate becomes president?

If the Democrats are elected the national debt will rise, taxes will increase, some national health care bill will pass, and the USA will pull out of Iraq. There will be major oil shortages in the world. Oil prices rise and there will be another war in the Middle East. There will be major acts of terrorism throughout the world. The lowest percentage of Americans will be employed since the great depression. However, the economy will not be that bad. Housing prices will rise. More will collect social security. There will be a flow of money in the USA and throughout the world. Palin has a strong future. Obama will be hated.

If the Republicans win the white house, the country will be very frugal. There will be a lot of discussion between the parties. Both parties will become more intelligent as a result. Plans for the future will be made. A USA presence will continue in the Middle East. Obama will become an ambassador of great importance. He will pave the way for extremely improved relations with Muslims and the Middle East. Obama has a strong future and stands to be a very strong and popular future president. Palin has a strong future. McCain starts well and becomes a great president before slowly fading from strength.

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Is America Becoming Communistic?

Communism is the belief that a big totalitarian government should spread the wealth to all.
Liberalism is the belief that the only right of government is to protect the rights of the people.
Capitalism is a free market system

Main Entry: com·mu·nism
Pronunciation: ˈkäm-yə-ˌni-zəm, -yü-
Function: noun
Etymology: French communisme, from commun common
Date: 1840
1 a: a theory advocating elimination of private property b: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
2capitalized a: a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics b: a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production c: a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably d: communist systems collectively

Main Entry: lib·er·al·ism
Pronunciation: ˈli-b(ə-)rə-ˌli-zəm
Function: noun
Date: 1819
1: the quality or state of being liberal
2 aoften capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity b: a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard c: a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties dcapitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal party

Main Entry: cap·i·tal·ism
Pronunciation: ˈka-pə-tə-ˌliz-əm, ˈkap-tə-, British also kə-ˈpi-tə-
Function: noun
Date: 1877
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

The United States seems to be diverging from liberalism and converging towards communism.

The Utopian States believes that the ONLY right of government is to protect the rights of the people and that one of those rights is the right to a free market with another right being the right to private ownership. The Utopian States believes that rights are protected by nourishment and cultivation with protection from predators, parasites and weeds. The Utopian States endeavors to create the happiest, most satisfying and least threatening environment for humankind.

In the Utopian States, the priority of rights are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The right to life includes all that is necessary for life, such as air, food, water, sun, clothing, shelter, sex, income (a job) and basic health care. Liberty includes the right to free speech, privacy, a free market, and ownership. The pursuit of happiness includes the elimination of stresses that eliminate happiness. The right to life may necessitate that the opulently wealthy pay some taxes.

A “free market” MUST produce socialism.

As a test to the supposition given above, suppose a Chinese worker’s salary costs as much as the deductions for health care of an American worker. Then the American government must socialize health care or let the workers do without in order to remain competitive.

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The Wall Street Journal on the Candidates (USA)

The following Wall Street Journal Articles reflect, in many ways, the opinions of this site. Click on the two following links to read the entire article.

Obama and the Politics of Crowds:

The political genius of the man is that he is a blank slate. The devotees can project onto him what they wish.

The Markets Are Weak Because the Candidates Are Lousy:

Investors have heard enough from both candidates in the last month or two to conclude that prospects for a flourishing, competitive, growing and reasonably free economy in a McCain administration are bad, and in an Obama administration far worse. (In fact, the market’s bearish behavior over the last couple of months pretty closely tracks Barack Obama’s gains.)

If the UtopianStates seems to agree with Senator McCain more than Senator Obama it is because McCain is many times less nebulous. This site seems to agree more fully with Senator Obama on issues such as the death penalty which is important because it shows insight into beliefs about punishment and justice. This site seems to agree more fully with Senator McCain on issues such as the PRESENT military situation in Iraq and the resolution of the economic situation in America.

The UtopianStates differs with both candidates in the belief that a Utopian state is both possible and desirable. The azimuth required for the UtopianStates is only slightly different than that of the USA, but it is, never-the-less, an entirely different path that wishes to maximize satisfaction and minimize traumatic ups and downs.

The UtopianStates would endeavor to cultivate and nourish the productive goals of each citizen in proportion to their effort and ability. This should be contrasted with the STARK capitalistic goals which nourish ONLY those endeavors that will generate income for the shareholder. To add lucidity, rather than give money to people for doing nothing, the Utopian States would endeavor to nourish productive efforts whether they are totally capital or not. Aggressive venture capitalism would replace welfare and unemployment while leaving the motivation of more financially rewarding activities.

The UtopianStates is not socialistic. The UtopianStates is cultivated capitalism; the flowers and food crops are nourished, the weeds are pulled, the parasites are eliminated and the predators are restrained. As with a farm, the businesses and people are cultivated for beauty, sustenance, and preservation.

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Beware the Campaign Promises

Obama said in the third debate:

If you make more — if you make less than a quarter million dollars a year, then you will not see your income tax go up, your capital gains tax go up, your payroll tax. Not one dime.

To translate, Obama said taxes won’t go up for about 95% (Those making under a quarter million a year).

Obama said in the third debate:

Number one, I want to cut taxes for 95 percent of Americans.

To translate, Obama said that he wants to cut taxes, not that he will.

Obama said in the third debate:

And 95 percent of working families, 95 percent of you out there, will get a tax cut.

To translate, Obama said that 95% of Americans will get tax breaks, but he didn’t say how much (one penny perhaps?)

A couple of weeks later, McCain said the following:

“It’s interesting how their definition of ‘rich’ has a way of creeping down,” McCain said.
“Senator Obama has made a lot of promises. First, he said people making less than $250,000 would benefit from his plan.
“Then, this weekend, he announced in an ad that if you’re a family making less than $200,000 you’ll benefit – but yesterday right here in Pennsylvania, Senator Biden said tax relief should only go to ‘middle-class people’ – people making under $150,000 a year.
“At this rate, it won’t be long before Senator Obama is right back to his vote that Americans making just $42,000 a year should get a tax increase

This site does not endorse either candidate, but speaks against deceptive campaign promises. Obama has said many things endorsed by this site as has McCain.

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What is a Utopian State?

Re: Times Article

In interviews, Mr. Obama was modest and careful. (In a rare slip, he told The Associated Press: “I’m not interested in the suburbs. The suburbs bore me.”)

In contrast, the Utopianstates is totally fascinated by the suburbs and the middle class. The opulently wealthy can form their own perverted utopias. The poor should be handled by assimilation into the ways of the middle class. The middle class is where Utopia will emerge once government suppression is eliminated and a common voice emerges.

During the last decade, the median family income in the USA has been around $40,000 per year while the average income has been around $100,000. The average income is higher than the median income because the mega millionaires and billionaires skew the average so significantly. It is mathematically possible to have a Utopian city-state where median income is $60,000 while the average income is still $100,000. Now the poor can join the middle class lifestyle even with an income of only $40,000. There must be some income differential in order to reward the productive people.

Utopian city-states politically would select their representatives via a lottocracy. The leaders would be selected without the advocacy of any political party (no fixed agenda). Government would be designed, as McCain suggested in the second debate, by forming a group of the best and brightest minds to write a proposal which would be then voted up or down by congress. Government would not be designed ad-hoc, but planned intelligently. The Utopian constitution would be based on the philosophy that the only purpose of government is only to protect and maximize the natural and human rights of every citizen.

The attempt would be to make the Utopian City-states a fun place to live. Boys that grew up with an interest in sports could make a living in field of their interest. The Utopian city-states would endeavor that everybody be able to make a living in the field of their interest. Since the median and minimum family incomes are higher and jobs are more abundant, more effort could be made to make life fun and challenging with fewer financial crises. After all, the only game in town shouldn’t be the accumulation of wealth with deadly consequences for those that make a mistake or are overly suppressed.

Get on board. The suburbs and the middle class are where the fun and the challenge is.

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