Life in Independence One, a Utopian City-State IV

George, the candidate we were watching was found guilty of cocaine procession and about to be incarcerated. We knew that the drug charges were false. We knew that George was an innocent man.

Four months ago George was dating the same beautiful woman as a cop. The cop, being naturally suspicious, one night staked out his girlfriend at her apartment. He parked his stakeout vehicle, a rented car with dark windows, diagonally opposite her house. He watched George arrive at her house. The mutual girlfriend and George left her house together to dine and see “Beauty and the Beast”. After a romantic evening, George brought the mutual girlfriend home and left.

The cop then followed George home. There he planted cocaine (from the evidence room) in George’s car. The cop made an anonymous call to the police. George was arrested and charged with felony cocaine procession.

My boss just requested that I not write anymore about these clandestine activities at this time. I will say that the Utopian States decided to send a team of crack specialists to get George out of trouble. Rest assured that they will succeed – one way or another.

The rest of the day I spent looking at video interviews and reports of young coaches which will be needed to teach our young players. I also watched video of their teams as they crushed their opponents. There is so much unrecognized talent and potential in the world.

It’s time to vote. Have to go.

You should assume that this is fiction. To be continued…

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Life in Independence One, a Utopian City-State III

Actually I’m more like a scout than a recruiter. I find people that would fit into a Utopian City-State. I check to see that the candidate has the right stuff and the right desires. I mainly recruit athletes, builders, engineers, architects, artists, performers, programmers, craftsmen, teachers, performers and people that are followers of a unique religion. All the people that I place on my candidate list are people that are disaffected from other groups that make a pretense to a symbiotic relationship with the candidate but have a hidden agenda to empower themselves regardless of who gets hurt. Most of the people I scout are the victims of the surreptitious power struggles of people that do not have the ability to succeed honestly or meritoriously without stepping on others.

Normally the people I place on my candidate list have an innate ability to remove randomity from a group. Their presence stabilizes their team, group, company or family. They are the team players that play defense as well as offense for the benefit of the team rather than self glorification. These people are the ones that step up when the ‘stars’ are injured and lead their team to victory with sparkling two way play. As engineers or performers, they step right into an organization, with very little instruction, and just start doing their job. They perform better this way. They are better leading themselves than being led. As a soccer, hockey or basketball player, they would run onto the field and fill the gap left by an injured player. They would know exactly what is needed, do it, and do it well.

A game of chess is an accumulation of small advantages that the experienced player can combine to create victory for himself. In a similar way, the people I scout have these small abilities that when combined produce a superior society. These people like the challenge of a Utopian City-State. They rise to their maximum potential. They are happy in this environment. Their cheerfulness and enthusiasm infects their peers. Their good spirit is contagious. Good health is a by-product of their happy ways. Slight health problems seem to melt away in a proper environment.

A person cannot be totally happy if he sees suffering in others, especially in those to whom he has reliance or vice versa. That’s why this job means so much to me. This job fulfills my need to reach out and help others.

Have to go. We have an emergency in the life of one of our best candidates…

You should assume that this is fiction. To be continued…

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Cop Shoots and Kills Handcuffed Man

In the following video, a cop shoots and kills a handcuffed man lying on the ground.

Cop murder video

It is cowardly for a politician not to emphatically condemn police brutality, but few even whisper their objections. Politicians must start to loudly condemn police brutality and the courts that protect police brutality with bogus complaints by the police against the victims. All cases of police brutality should be adjudicated by a competent court. Few are.

See DOJ reports.
US DOJ Reports on Use of Force by Cops:

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Life in Independence One, a Utopian City-State II

The coffee, the activity and the rising sun invigorated me. While changing for work, I mused at how the house had grown. A couple of years ago I wasn’t sure that this new Utopian City-State would work. My original ‘house’ was a couple of ten by twelve foot sheds put side by side. It worked well and I was quite happy since my needs were provided for by the activities of a growing and enthusiastic environment. I spent much of my free time in the community activity center. I also enjoyed the work environment and the peers where I worked. Life was good even without the new additions to my house.

I rode my bicycle to work. Cars and trucks aren’t allowed in the city. When I arrive at Independence One from the outside, I park my car in the parking lot and take a bus – similar to the busses at Disney World – to my house. Mopeds are allowed, but this morning I prefer to get a little morning exercise.

My place of employment doesn’t look significant. It is a small brick building – about a hundred feet on each side. At the entrance, I peer into a device that scans my retina. The latch on the door clicks and the door swings open. Once inside, I ride the escalators downward to my underground office. This place is much bigger underground than at the surface. The underground facilities are at least 300,000 square feet. At least a thousand people work here. This is my favorite job.

My job is to monitor people outside of Independence One. I follow people on my monitor sometimes for months. I look for the right people. I am a recruiter.

Have you ever felt like you were being watched?

You should assume that this is fiction. To be continued…

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Life in Independence One, a Utopian City-State

The noise of pounding hammers woke me from a sound sleep. I stumbled out of bed. The sun was shining. The clock on my bureau said 8:00 AM. Looking out the window I looked at the several new houses that were being built. The noise of hammering was coming from construction on the adjacent lot.

I could see a group of 25 runners coming up the road. They were dressed in sweat shirts and pants. They were young, healthy and quite happy. They chanted something about “… But warming them up is mighty nice” as they passed.

Athletes from around the world were pouring into Independence One to join the semi-pro leagues. Most of these athletes had never before been given the proper opportunity to prosper and flourish outside of Independence One. The poorest of these semipro athletes were happy to live in barracks or dormitories where they enjoyed a great camaraderie with their teammates and female athletes from other teams.

I was drinking one of my morning cups of coffee and watching the cheerful activity around Independence One. Judy, right on schedule, ran by at 8:11. She was a middle aged nudist in her mid thirties. She had a nice figure and was pleasing to watch. I had previously looked at the Independence One web site to see if any had reported her nudity as improper. None had. Although there are few laws in a Utopian City-State, too many reports of impropriety will get a person a hearing where he or she will have to promise to change their objectionable behaviour.

A Utopian City-State watches their citizens very closely, but very seldom acts to restrain. If restraint is needed, you know it was merited. Such is the respect for Independence One, that any call for a hearing for excessive reports of improper behaviour brings tearful compliance from the reported. However, improper behaviour one year may not be considered improper the next; laws defining improper behaviour are themselves improper.

As you can report someone for improper behaviour, you can also report someone for a desired behaviour. One positive report cancels one negative report. The web site requires that you keep your positive and negative reports balanced.

I smiled and waved at Judy as she passed. She gave me a little wave, continued up the road until she disappeared from sight. She was a nice lady.

I had to get ready for work. I had two jobs. I worked twenty hours a week on each. Monday and Tuesday I worked one job. Wednesday and Thursday I worked my second job. Each day I worked ten hours, but the commute time was short, so I was never tired. Most nights you could find me lingering at work long after I had completed my required hours and deeds. I only needed one job to survive, but I actually enjoye working here in Independence One.

Future hopes. To be continued…

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People are Ready for Utopia

A recent poll found that the majority desired being allowed to secede into states, groups of states, or city-states. This poll also found that the majority were dissatisfied with the present form of democracy.

This site has continually recommended a random selection of representatives from a pool of college graduates coupled with an elected senate. This site has always pushed for a government whose only responsibility was to protect a list of rights for their citizens including freedom from invasion. This site has continually pushed for justice that protected the rights of others via restitution and prophylactic measures rather than by fear.

People don’t want to be responsible for the debts of their irresponsible forefathers. People want jobs and opportunity. People want the job of their dreams. People want a government that cares about their happiness and stress free existence. People want a society where the tide slowly rises rather than an economy that resembles continual tsunamis.

The Utopian States is looking for venture capital to fund a prototype 60,000 acre Utopia City-State.

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99.8 % of Emergency Physicians believe Police use Excessive Force

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – In a survey of a random sample of U.S. emergency physicians, virtually all said they believed that law enforcement officers use excessive force to arrest and detain suspects.

The sample included 315 respondents. While 99.8 percent believed excessive force is used, almost as many (97.8 percent) reported that they had managed cases that they suspected or that the patient stated had involved excessive use of force by law enforcement officers.

Nearly two thirds (65.3 percent) estimated that they had treated two or more cases of suspected excessive use of force per year among their patients, according to a report of the survey published in the January 2009 issue of the Emergency Medicine Journal.

Blunt trauma inflicted by fists or feet was the most common type of injury cited in cases of suspected use of excessive force, followed by “overly tight” handcuffs.

Most emergency physicians (71.2 percent) admitted that they did not report cases of suspected use of excessive force by law enforcement officers.

A large majority (96.5 percent) reported that they had no departmental policies on reporting their suspicions or they did not know of a policy to guide their actions, and 93.7 percent said they had received no education or training in dealing with these situations.

However, most emergency physicians (69.5 percent) felt that it was within their scope of practice to refer cases of suspected use of excessive force for investigation and almost half (47.9 percent) felt that emergency physicians should be legally required to report cases of suspected use of excessive force by law enforcement officers.

These findings, Strote and colleagues conclude, “suggest that national emergency medicine organizations in the USA should become involved, jointly developing and advocating for guidelines to manage this complex issue.”

SOURCE: Emergency Medicine Journal, January 2009.

According to the DOJ, there are 20 million arrests in the United States each year. Three percent of them (600,000 per year) involve excessive force, mostly by the 7% that habitually use excessive force. Most of the cases of excessive force are not reported. Many are suppressed by fabricated or exaggerated claims of A&B on a police officer.

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45% Tariffs Quadrupled the GNP in 30 Years!

The following quote is from pg 136 of “The Myth of Free Trade” by Dr. Ravi Batra.

The gross national product of the United States quadrupled between 1869 and 1900 when measured in constant (1929) dollars. In spite of a mushrooming population, real wages jumped 50 percent, retail prices tumbled 37 percent, and annual per capita income rose from $223 in 1869 to almost $500 in 1900.

The advances were most significant in the area where free traders would least expect them: the protected manufacturing sector. Industrial production quadrupled between 1870 and 1900, and at the turn of the century manufacturing had become the premier sector of the economy, accounting for 53 percent of its total product and 22 percent of its labor force. But perhaps the most telling statistic of all is that during this period, the United States, led by manufacturing, became the preeminent economic power in the world. Would free trade have done that? Absolutely not. It were up to free traders, America would still be a prominent agrarian economy.

US Tariffs

Free Trade and income taxes are NOT the way it will be done in the Utopian States or the Utopian City-States. At least not in those city-states with significant manufacturing.

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Link to Johnson Article

Johnson died of a (possibly self-inflicted) gun wound early Monday after being pulled by a sheriff’s deputy.


It’s not clear why 17-year-old Billey Joe Johnson was stopped in Lucedale, but authorities say the junior tailback shot himself with a shotgun after the deputy walked back to the patrol car to run a license check.

“The deputy was sitting in his patrol vehicle … when he heard a gunshot and saw the victim laying on the ground by the driver’s side door of the vehicle that Johnson was driving. A shotgun was lying on the victim,” according to a statement from the George County Sheriff’s Department.

Authorities would not immediately say whether they believed the shooting was a suicide or an accident. [from the Johnson article]

Is there anyone stupid enough to believe that this was either a suicide or an accident? Ok, perhaps the police thought it was an accident when they killed him.

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Money out of the USA = Money into the USA

Associated Press Writer Tom Raum two hours ago wrote:

[…] International investments pouring into low-interest U.S. Treasury securities in recent weeks show that, even if the U.S. has lost prestige internationally in recent years, it’s still deemed one of the safest places to park money.

The equation is this: Money out of the USA = Money into the USA. Dollars leave the USA to buy manufactured products. Dollars returen to the USA to buy T-Bills.

The equation is out of balance because Manufactured goods require labor and TBills do not; they are loans. What the USA sells (TBills and mortgages) do not require labor. The net result is that USA citizens are unemployed in ever increasing numbers.

Enron found that there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. Engineers know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. There is balance in the economy and in science.

If America did NOT allow foreign entities to exchange manufactured goods for USA securities, foreign governments and nations would accumulate piles of dollars. The exchange rate would change. Products manufactured in the USA would become much cheaper to foreign markets. That would increase the demand for products made in the USA. That would increase demand for workers in the USA and put citizens of America back to work.

Let the USA only exhange manufactured goods for manufactured goods. Let there be FREE trade. What we have now is an American marketplace that has been raped and plundered. We have not had FREE trade for too long.

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