The Utopian Difference

Would you drink muddy, rancid milk?

No, of course not. It is filled with dangerous and unhealthy impurities.

Same with governments.

Utopian governments are, by definition, more perfect. Utopian governments have the impurities removed. As with the milk, there is a big difference between the pure and the impure.

There is a reason why this happens. It’s probably related to greed and ignorance. Each keeps the other in place. Lack of proper common principles is both the symptom and the cause. Too often greed has been confused with success and conventional wisdom has been confused with intelligence.

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Remember the America of 1776!

The vogue form of capitalism emphasizes monetary investment in stocks, bonds, T-Bills, real estate, commodities and precious metals. This requires reading volumes of paperwork prepared by people like Madoff. This entitles CEOs, big corporate lawyers, financial investors and monopolistic foreign corporations. Lots of fun. It makes the creation of wealth the sole goal. Morality is totally back burner as is fun. Competition is actually non-existent.

The former form of capitalism emphasized the ownership of small businesses and small farms. Owners used to take great pride in their little companies. People respect the small business and farm owner like no other. But this style of capitalism has been replaced by a capitalism that doesn’t produce anything but paperwork. In the name of productivity, entire nations have been rendered sterile and not productive.

Is it better to go to war with a country that can manufacture tanks, or a country that can produce paperwork, laws, lawyers and confusion?

Is the production of documentation a sign of strength, or a sign of weakness?
The vogue form of capitalism favors free trade that sacrifices not only domestic productivity, but all the regulations (regarding safety, etc) and all the unions (that protect the domestic worker). Current society is in favor of having monopolistic unregulated foreign business do all the production. Current society would rather incur fantastic national debt and pay staggering unemployment compensation over, shudder, tariffs.

As bad as current governments are, they should control their own destiny and protect the rights and ambitions of their own citizens rather than allow themselves to be controlled by foreign dictatorships that control their debt and everything they buy as well as all their jobs.

This ultra liberal is really an ultra conservative who prefers to return to the days of tariffs, small federal government, small police forces, small businesses and small farms. This ultra liberal finds the government of 1776 to be more liberal and modern than our present fascistic, money centered state.

Let our present regime/government allow foreigners steal our software, copyrights, movies, songs and jobs. In fact, let’s give tax incentives to aid the pillage, rape and plunder. Let’s pay our politicians to destroy our nation!

This ultra liberal likes the ultra conservative idea of returning to the small government of 1776 complete with prosperous small businesses and small farms.

Of course there would be no slavery and woman would have the right to vote. They would also have the right to own their own farms and small businesses as well! I mean really own! Not just stock. Not just bonds. They, all of us, could own, run and control our own small business!

The crash of the early 1900s was due to a Ponzi scheme whereby investors could borrow money to buy stock with little down. The crash of the early 2000s was due to a Ponzi scheme whereby investors could borrow money to speculate on real estate with little down. It’s easy to fix both problems – just require substantial down payments.

Viva America of 1776!

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How Reagan Unified America

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’
Ronald Reagan

I don’t believe in a government that protects us from ourselves.
Ronald Reagan

People don’t start wars, governments do.
Ronald Reagan

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
Ronald Reagan

The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would hire them away.
Ronald Reagan

The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
Ronald Reagan

To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last–but eat you he will.
Ronald Reagan

Coersion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him.
Ronald Reagan

History teaches that wars begin when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.
Ronald Reagan, Address to the Nation, Jan 16, 1984

Don’t be afraid to see what you see.
Ronald Reagan

I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I’m in a cabinet meeting.
Ronald Reagan

If you’re afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside. The people of this country are ready to move again.
Ronald Reagan

“The people have not created this disaster in our economy; the federal government has. It has overspent, overestimated, and over-regulated. It has failed to deliver services within the revenues it should be allowed to raise from taxes. In the 34 years since the end of World War II, it has spent $448 billion more than it has collected in taxes — $448 billion of printing-press money, which has made every dollar you earn worth less and less. At the same time, the federal government has cynically told us that high taxes on business will in some way “solve” the problem and allow the average taxpayer to pay less. Well, business is not a taxpayer; it is a tax collector. Business has to pass its tax burden on to the customer as part of the cost of doing business. You and I pay taxes imposed on business every time we go to the store. Only people pay taxes, and it is political demagoguery or economic illiteracy to try and tell us otherwise.

The key to restoring the health of the economy lies in cutting taxes. At the same time, we need to get the waste out of federal spending. This does not mean sacrificing essential services, nor do we need to destroy the system of benefits which flow to the poor, elderly, the sick and the handicapped. We have long since committed ourselves, as a people, to help those among us who cannot take care of themselves. But the federal government has proven to be the costliest and most inefficient provider of such help we could possibly have.

We must put an end to the arrogance of a federal establishment which accepts no blame for our condition, cannot be relied upon to give us a fair estimate of our situation and utterly refuses to live within its means. I will not accept the supposed “wisdom” which has it that the federal bureaucracy has become so powerful that it can no longer be changed or controlled by any administration. As President I would use every power at my command to make the federal establishment respond to the will and the collective wishes of the people.

We must force the entire federal bureaucracy to live in the real world of reduced spending, streamlined function and accountability to the people it serves. We must review the function of the federal government to determine which of those are the proper province of levels of government closer to the people.

The 10th article of the Bill of Rights is explicit in pointing out that the federal government should do only those things specifically called for in the Constitution. All others shall remain with the states or the people. We haven’t been observing that 10th article of late. The federal government has taken on functions it was never intended to perform and which it does not perform well. There should be a planned, orderly transfer of such functions to states and communities and a transfer with them of the sources of taxation to pay for them.

The savings in administrative overhead would be considerable and certainly there would be increased efficiency and less bureaucracy.”

“In recent weeks there has been much talk about “excess” oil company profits. I don’t believe we’ve been given all the information we need to make a judgment about this. We should have that information. Government exists to protect us from each other. It is not government’s function to allocate fuel or impose unnecessary restrictions on the marketplace. It is government’s function to determine whether we are being unfairly exploited and if so to take immediate and appropriate action. As President I would do exactly that.”

“In recent months leaders in our government have told us that, we, the people, have lost confidence in ourselves; that we must regain our spirit and our will to achieve our national goals. Well, it is true there is a lack of confidence, an unease with things the way they are. But the confidence we have lost is confidence in our government’s policies. Our unease can almost be called bewilderment at how our defense strength has deteriorated. The great productivity of our industry is now surpassed by virtually all the major nations who compete with us for world markets. And, our currency is no longer the stable measure of value it once was.”

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Unifying Ideas:

Unifying Ideals are those that 90 percent would agree on.
Democracy: We want it to work well.
Capitalism: We want it to work well.
Justice: We want it to work well.
Government: We want it to work well.
Jobs: We want lots of good paying jobs for the able, and at least one job for everybody.
Taxes: Zero taxes, zero debt and zero unemployment would be perfect.
War: Hell
American government: Not perfect.
Lawyers as leaders: Not perfect.
American Law: Not perfect.
The question is, how to we achieve the above?
The answer is that we have to gravitate to the vicinity of people having these asymptotes. We have to use the internet. You get enough people on a site, and then you select leaders AND follow them – you let them lead.
It doesn’t cost anything to have a leader.
You don’t have to pay a leader.
You don’t have to obey a leader.
You can have more than one leader.
You only have to be interested in your leaders and be in the vicinity of a leader.

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Amanda Knox

Find out the truth.

The defense has cost the family a million dollars. Donate.

Amanda Knox with Dog

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The consequence of Free Trade

The consequence of Free Trade is that individuals that can do everything extremely well are unemployed and can’t get a job doing anything. Thus you see the engineer and the PhD bagging groceries or driving taxi cabs. Free trade was supposed to engage those with specialties that can do things more productively. However, it has backfired with exactly the opposite result. Those with specialties are now collecting unemployment, social security, and disability compensations.

Forgive me for that tirade. You can find more logical arguments disassembling Free Trade arguments at the following link.

Disassembling Free Trade Arguments

The conclusion of the given link:

At one time, Edward Leamer exhorted our profession to “take the con out of econometrics.” He wasn’t exhorting economists to stop doing empirical research, or even to do it in a particularly di¤erent fashion. Rather, he was exhorting them to be forthright about what could be claimed about the research, e.g., that it was a “speci…cation search.” Trade economists should do likewise: they should be forthright about what and what not economic analysis has to say about the desirability of free trade, and they should be forthright about the epistemological basis of their policy advocacy of free trade.

The only valid argument in favor of ‘Free Trade’ is that it will make a bigger pie.

But who will have that bigger pie? Not this generation of American workers. They are being sacrificed to make a ‘bigger pie’ for stock holders and workers of other countries.

Theory predicts that eventually there may be a ‘bigger pie’. Or maybe not . But it will not be shared by the American manufacturing worker.

Sectors of the population are not hurt in a perfect or utopian society. This would not happen in a Utopian State or it would not be utopian.

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Tariffs Are the Fundamental Concept of USA

During the 150 year era before we threw open our market to the tax free entry by producers of the world, we were a nation of high tariffs. Laws passed during virtually the entirety of the history of the United States were designed for a country of tariffs.

Unions, taxes and Child Labor laws would NOT be feasible or even possible in a nation without tariffs as they would increase the cost of manufacturing. America wasn’t designed to compete with the world to have the lowest price products. America was designed to have the best jobs and the best chance to own your own business.

Free trade means either the destruction of America or completely rewriting all the laws to make us competitive.

Americans foolishly thought they could compete with the world in every way. The Bible aptly states that “Pride goeth before a fall”.

America perhaps could have competed with the world if she didn’t give away her technology. Had we kept robotic technology in this country, we could have kept manufacturing in this country. Then we could have been competitive.

Manufacturing jobs are fun. Owning your own business is fun. Engineering is fun. Giving therapy to people as they do in Scientology is fun. Being a professional athlete or movie star is fun.

Being a lawyer, politician, judge or policeman would NOT be fun for me; my ethics would be compromised. Furthermore, they are boring. Owning stock is boring. Paying taxes is boring. Watching TV is usually boring. The United States of America is boring even when it is not failing.

America should rebound from this latest recession. We have borrowed sufficient money to do so. We have thrown gas on the economic fire. We must take this next economic upturn to re-institute tariffs or America will go into a recession from which it shall never recover. America will be owned by others. America will be taken over and all useless Americans bussed away to parts unknown.

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Your Utopia

Each of us can conceive our own perfect nation and society. Try for a moment.

My conception of Utopia is a place where there are no defects in the economy, the democracy, the system of justice, or the goals and direction.

A perfect society is, by definition, one that is free from defects. Perfection does not imply the infinite. We can’t all own or control the universe. We have to share and control the universe as perfectly as possible.

A perfect society would have strong quality control. The quality of government would be perfect and the people should be in good mental and physical health. All should know the one correct way to communicate and the symptoms of the hundreds of incorrect means of communication.

Furthermore, my conception of Utopia is that of a fun place to live.

The happiest people I’ve known have been the hard working poor. The most miserable people have been the ones that have won mega millions without a purpose. The flip side of the mega millions winners are those with a great purpose and no money.

My Utopia is a City State or Nation that is structured so that all may own their own small business, earn money in their favorite sport or art, and even change careers in mid life.

Owning your own business and being able to use your intellect and skill to make it grow is more fun than having that same money invested in a stock and letting others play the game.

My Utopia is a place where a hard working person can earn his own home and live within his means.

In most developed nations, it takes a salary of $50,000 a year to provide a minimal life style for a family of four. Rent and home ownership is expensive. Transportation is expensive. Medical care is expensive.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We don’t have to squander national resources to give people material excesses. We only have to provide housing that is warm and dry and food that is nutritious. It is possible to feed a family of four for ten dollars a week.

Viable and frugal socialism should be provided for those with minimal wealth. The emphasis should be on having them live within their means. A special path should be provided to allow them to prepare themselves for a job.

My Utopia is a place where natural rights are protected.

My concept is that natural rights are those rights a person would have if there were no government or criminals. These natural rights include the right to live, breath, have sex, own property, and have a job sufficient to provide minimal shelter, food, clothing, education, and medical needs.

There are many more natural rights that support the above including non illusory rights and means to control and participate in government.

My Utopian concept is that the only right of government is to protect the rights of their citizens.

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Invisible Amendments

In math and engineering courses, we’ve extrapolated curves both forward and backward.

Extrapolate backward from the SC findings giving police the right to avoid the 4th amendment in the instances of “hot pursuit” and “exigent circumstances”.

Your extrapolation will end up at invisible amendments such as:

IVa. You have no rights when any policeman suspects that you have just committed a felony.
IVb. The purpose of the fourth amendment is privacy rather than to protect rights of the accused.
IVc. A policeman only needs to make a statement that sounds like “probable cause” in order to justify violating of a citizen’s fourth amendment rights.
IVd. A citizen can’t use self defense against an unjust arrest by a police officer.
IVe. The rights of government employees are senior to the rights of the citizens.
IVf. A police officer cannot be prosecuted for violating the fourth amendment.

QED: The SC has invented false amendments

Posted in Dystopian Government, Dystopian Justice | 1 Comment

The World Needs Self Regulating Tariffs

One plausible solution for the economy would be to use tariffs to keep the trade deficit zero +/- 5%. Just general tariffs that would increase or decrease slowly at perhaps 5% a year would work. All countries should do this.

Countries should reduce the tariffs by 5% every year their trade deficit is balanced.

The US economy roared along for 170 years with 40% tariffs.

Any tax revenue generated by tariffs could be used to eliminate corporate taxes. They don’t produce substantial revenue anyway. There could even be a negative corporate tax for those corporations that increase their manpower.

Historical Tariffs

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