Italy ain’t utopian either

GIA, Italy — The parents of American student Amanda Knox are being investigated for alleged defamation for saying Italian police abused their daughter before arresting her in the 2007 slaying of her British roommate.

Curt Knox told AP Television News on Saturday that he and his ex-wife, Edda Mellas, received notice of the investigation Friday as they arrived in Italy for the final week of hearings in their daughter’s case.

He said he found the timing odd, given that a verdict in the case is expected at the end of the week.

Italian news agency ANSA said Knox’s parents were being investigated for alleged defamation stemming from an interview they gave Britain’s Sunday Times in June 2008 in which the father alleged police had physically and verbally abused his daughter during questioning before she was arrested.

Police have denied harming Knox.

The Italian government seems to think it is OK to them to all gang up and libel one American, but get outraged at any attempt at defense! Italian cases are tried in the media, but it apparently it is supposed to be a one way flow from government. Does Italy have freedom of speech?

Italy won’t allow Amanda to be tried over here because Americans have the death penalty. Then they show us a far worse judicial system. Talk about being hypocritical!

Amanda Knox was Italy’s “Woman of the Year” … =rss-world

This one is prejudiced against Amanda: … t_last_ch/

Amanda and Dog

Amanda and Dog

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American Violet

Based on the true story of Dee Roberts, a 24 year-old African American single mother of four living in a small Texas town when she is dragged away from work one day in handcuffs, and then dumped in the women’s county prison. The local district attorney leads an extensive drug bust, sweeping her housing project with military precision. Dee soon discovers that she has been charged as a drug dealer.
Dee Roberts
Even though she has no prior drug record and no drugs were found on her in the raid, she is offered a hellish choice: plead guilty and go home as a convicted felon or remain in prison, jeopardizing her custody and risking a long prison sentence. She chooses to fight the unyielding criminal justice system, risking everything in a battle that forever changes her life and the Texas justice system.

Even more shocking are the statistics at the end of the movie. America has the largest prison population in the world. Ninety percent of the people are in prison because of plea “bargains”. Ninety five percent of convictions are without a trial by jury.

Unfortunately, threats of huge prison sentences extort people into accepting felony charges that they haven’t committed.

I personally can vouch for the pattern of judicial misconduct depicted by the movie. When government gives perks for convictions, or judges get kickbacks for sending children to the detention centers of their friends, then big change is needed. Citizens of the USA need an alternate justice system. I petition the United Nations to provide the world with an alternative.

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A few thoughts about Job Creation in USA

Fact: People have the right to life and the necessities thereof.
Fact: People have the right to own property.
Fact: People have the right to a government that doesn’t discriminate.

Corollary: We need as many jobs as there are people that wish to work.
Corollary: If a government program – like free trade – diminishes jobs, they need to be replaced by government programs. {Unfortunately, a tiny majority of economists and politicians still think that free trade (trade without tariffs) does NOT cause job shrinkage. Protectionism has become a bad work as Americans have been lead to believe we are so superior that we can out produce those willing to work for less than a dollar an hour.}

Government should propose a few pie charts of the way they are going to spend OUR money and WE should vote on the chart we favor. Personally, spending money on home security and police is my least favorite way of creating jobs. To be fair, manufacturing and farming need more government money (or tariffs).

Should the USA spend a dime on manufacturing to return a quarter worth of taxes or do we spend a dollar on government jobs to return a quarter worth of taxes? It seems like a no-brainer. Money spent on manufacturing and farming produces a positive return.

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Utopian FAQs II

4.)  Are the Utopian States capitalistic?

I would hope that they are partly capitalistic.

The Utopian States should endeavor to keep businesses small and owned entirely by the workers.  Small companies should be family sized with less than twenty employees.  Products produced by large monopolistic external corporations should be taxed with a sales tax proportional to their size.

There is no stock market {hopefully} in any of the Utopian states as the workers fully own their own company.  Small companies can link up in one building to assemble products of magnitude – like a plane.  An aircraft manufacturing company, for example, may be comprised of 1000 smaller companies.  Each of these small companies owns their own tools and floor space.

The effort is to return to the size of businesses America had during the 1800’s.  During this golden age people loved their businesses and independence.  The small business owners were the most respected people in America (History of Small Businesses in America).

5.) Do the Utopian States have Goodie Goodie people and people that go nuts and commit mass murder?

The Utopian States {hopefully} has a plan in place where everybody has their suspicions investigated.  Of course the people that want someone else investigated will also be investigated.  It is only fair.  Facts would be recorded in a data base.  If enough people record their suspicions about a person, that person would undergo a major investigation and hopefully receive the help he needs.

On the other hand, if a person reports others friviously, the investigation whould show that this person’s reports don’t merit serious future consideration.

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Utopian FAQs

1. Are the various Utopian States like those described by Thomas Mores’ Utopia?

No. Thomas More’s Utopia was based on an even distribution of property as revealed by the following quotes from his novel.

{…} “Though to speak plainly my real sentiments, I must freely own that as long as there is any property, and while money is the standard of all other things, I cannot think that a nation can be governed either justly or happily: not justly, because the best things will fall to the share of the worst men; nor happily, because all things will be divided among a few (and even these are not in all respects happy), {…}

{…} that till property is taken away there can be no equitable or just distribution of things, nor can the world be happily governed: for as long as that is maintained, the greatest and the far best part of mankind will be still oppressed with a load of cares and anxieties. not excepting the very persons of his subjects: and that no man has any other property, but that which the King out of his goodness thinks fit to leave him. And they think it is the prince’s interest, that there be as little of this left as may be, as if it were his advantage that his people should have neither riches nor liberty; {…}

{…} they might seem better, as certainly they are, yet they are so different from our establishment, which is founded on property, there being no such thing among them, that I could not expect that it would have any effect on them; but such discourses as mine, which only call past evils to mind and “Though to speak plainly my real sentiments, I must freely own that as long as there is any property, and while money is the standard of all other things, I cannot think that a nation can be governed either justly or happily: {…}

{…} From whence I am persuaded, that till property is taken away there can be no equitable or just distribution of things, nor can the world be happily governed: for as long as that is maintained, the greatest and the far best part of mankind will be still oppressed with a load of cares and anxieties. {…}

{…} again to a good habit, as long as property remains; and it will fall out as in a complication of diseases, that by applying a remedy to one sore, you will provoke another; and that which removes the one ill symptom produces {…}

The constitution of the various Utopian States grants the right to own property. Ownership is one of the natural rights. The constitution further makes it the duty of government to protect and optimize the natural rights of man. Consequently, the Utopian States is Not the Utopia described by Thomas More with the exception that both endeavor to be perfect societies.

2. Are the Utopian States socialistic?

No. The various Utopian States are not socialistic. The natural right to own property is enumerated by the constitution and protected by the government. Senior to the right to own property is the right to life and access to the necessities of life. The constitution of the various Utopian City States makes it the duty of government to ensure that all have access to the necessities of life. This right to the necessities of life does not preclude the right to own property, hence the various Utopian States are NOT socialistic.

Furthermore, the various Utopian States are all different. The constitutions are all basically similar in that government is required to protect the natural rights of the citizens. Each bill of rights may be different as the interpretation of the natural rights may be different. The constitutional methods of enforcing those natural rights may also be different. Some of the Utopian States may protect the rights of the poor more than the rights of the middle class and vice versa.

3) When will the first Utopian City State be built?

We are waiting for a billionaire philanthropist to help. Although only tens of millions are required, the philanthropist must have sufficient capital to help without hurting himself in the event the return on his investment takes years.

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Beer Summit: Obama had it right!

Gates didn’t start the problem.

Obama didn’t start the problem.

The problem was the cop entering the home, the handcuffs, and the charges. Let’s face it, Americans have been sheltered from the 20 million arrests that happen each year. Americans don’t stop to think that Americans have NO real rights during arrests (just the dubious right to remain silent). Americans don’t know that they can be arrested in their own homes without any search warrant. Americans don’t know that they can be charged with years in jail for struggling with the police. Americans don’t realize that they shouldn’t talk to police (without a good lawyer). Americans don’t realize that they should just be a rag doll during the arrest and take whatever beating the police dish out (the courts shield the police from your attacks legal or otherwise).

The arrest procedure IS the problem!
American stupidity (about arrest procedure and practice) IS the problem!

Obama had it right. The police are stupid and behave stupidly. Furthermore, the rest of America is stupid for wearing blinders for so long.

Americans have the duty to video all arrests. Video clips rule!

Beer Summit

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In order to form a government that protects and enhances the free rights of all their citizens to all things natural and fun, we petition independence from the governments of the United States of America for all people willing to respect the just, free and natural rights of others. We also petition, for just exchange, the protection of the United States of America from outside invasion. As further petition, we ask that the United States of America respect our preamble for constitution.

1.) The government shall protect all the rights that humanity would have in a world without criminals, government, the insane, the deceitful and the greedy.
2.) The government shall be democratically governed by people selected from a pool of those with above average Intelligence, literacy and education.
3.) Duly chosen representatives shall decide what is needed by the people in order to maintain their rights.
4.) The people shall democratically vote to decide what they want above and beyond what is needed to secure and maintain their free and natural rights. Any such vote shall not reduce the rights of the minority of voters.
5.) Securing and maintaining these rights will require taxes or tariffs, investments and contributions.

1.) All people have the right to sufficient food, water, clothing, shelter and health care to sustain life without suffering.
2.) All people have the right to a job with sufficient income to afford the entirety of their first right.
3.) All people have the right to vote.
4.) All people have the right to better themselves so that they may advance.
5.) All people have the right to fun.
6.) All people have the right to consensual sex.
7.) All people have the right to express their opinions and religious ideas.
8.) All people have the right to chose whether or not they should hear the opinions of others.
9.) All people have the right to freedom from forced punishment other than ostracism, house arrest, prophylactic restraint (to protect others from certain harm) and restitution.
10.) All people have the right to justice and just representation.
11.) All people have the right to compensation for injury, harm or loss rendered by unjust legal complaints whether caused by government or citizens.
12.) All people have the right to a warrant or subpoena issued with probable cause issued sufficiently before any searches, seizures or arrests so as to allow time to obtain and communicate with knowledgeable representation.
13.) People have the right to restitution for any loss, harm or injury caused by unjust and unwarranted searches, seizures and arrests.

1.) All people, once a year, are required to take and pass a course in fallacies, logic, and fact in order to be allowed to vote or be selected as representative. The test should allow fifty to one hundred percent of the people to pass.
2.) No person can cause another or others loss, injury or harm.
3.) All people must keep their agreements and contracts to the extent that they are fair, just and normal.
4.) All people are expected to justly and fairly pay for any harm, loss or injury that they cause another under penalty of ostracism and restitution.
5.) All people are expected to vote.
6.) All people are expected to serve as representative if selected.

We ask not to be subjects of the governments of the USA. We ask only to be affiliated with the governments of the USA.

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Obama Said Cambridge Police Were Stupid

See the video where Obama said Cambridge Police Were Stupid

A similar thing happened in my family. A policeman broke in to my families’ house without cause (unless being in a rage is cause), pulled his gun and stated (in the police report) that he would have shot a family member except that another member of the family stepped in front of the gun (the cop was not angry with this family member). The cop did fabricate charges that were sufficient to have put two family members away for a total of seven years, but they were all dismissed because they only happened as the result of the cops’ illegal warrantless entry into my families’ house which precipitated justifiable anger.

My family is Caucasian. Apparently the police have equal opportunity stupidity at times. I applaud Obama for his statement and hope that further public comment on excessive and unjustified use of force by the police ensues.

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Original Moon Landing video lost and remade

WASHINGTON – NASA could put a man on the moon but didn’t have the sense to keep the original video of the live TV transmission.

In an embarrassing acknowledgment, the space agency said Thursday that it must have erased the Apollo 11 moon footage years ago so that it could reuse the videotape.

But now Hollywood is coming to the rescue.

The studio wizards who restored “Casablanca” are digitally sharpening and cleaning up the ghostly, grainy footage of the moon landing, making it even better than what TV viewers saw on July 20, 1969. They are doing it by working from four copies that NASA scrounged from around the world.

“There’s nothing being created; there’s nothing being manufactured,” said NASA senior engineer Dick Nafzger, who is in charge of the project. “You can now see the detail that’s coming out.”

The first batch of restored footage was released just in time for the 40th anniversary of the “one giant leap for mankind,” and some of the details seem new because of their sharpness. Originally, astronaut Neil Armstrong’s face visor was too fuzzy to be seen clearly. The upgraded video of Earth’s first moonwalker shows the visor and a reflection in it.

The $230,000 refurbishing effort is only three weeks into a monthslong project, and only 40 percent of the work has been done. But it does show improvements in four snippets: Armstrong walking down the ladder; Buzz Aldrin following him; the two astronauts reading a plaque they left on the moon; and the planting of the flag on the lunar surface.

Nafzger said a huge search that began three years ago for the old moon tapes led to the “inescapable conclusion” that 45 tapes of Apollo 11 video were erased and reused. His report on that will come out in a few weeks.


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To Increase Jobs, Ask Small Business

Government has asked the lawyer educated politicians how to create jobs. Government has asked economists how to create jobs. As a result, America has ten to fifteen percent unemployment, depending on how many those that have “dropped out of the work force” are actually unemployed as opposed to self employed.

Isn’t it time to ask the owners of small businesses how to create jobs?
Isn’t it time to ask engineers how to create jobs?
Isn’t it time to ask entrepreneurs how to create jobs?

Small business usually has only one level of management below the owner. Small business has three hundred employees or less. Small business has always been the backbone of America.

If small businesses have been vital to America’s economic development, they have been perhaps even more important as a component of American culture. More than the cultures of other nations, that of the United States has developed as a business culture; and the love affair of most Americans with business has focused especially upon small business. From the time of Thomas Jefferson to the present, many Americans have seen the owners of small businesses as epitomizing all that is best about the American way of life. [A History of Small Business in America]

Politicians and economists haven’t had much experience with owning or running a small business other than to run a law firm. At the very least, they aren’t the experts in the field. Isn’t it time to talk to the experts?

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