1. Are the various Utopian States like those described by Thomas Mores’ Utopia?
No. Thomas More’s Utopia was based on an even distribution of property as revealed by the following quotes from his novel.
{…} “Though to speak plainly my real sentiments, I must freely own that as long as there is any property, and while money is the standard of all other things, I cannot think that a nation can be governed either justly or happily: not justly, because the best things will fall to the share of the worst men; nor happily, because all things will be divided among a few (and even these are not in all respects happy), {…}
{…} that till property is taken away there can be no equitable or just distribution of things, nor can the world be happily governed: for as long as that is maintained, the greatest and the far best part of mankind will be still oppressed with a load of cares and anxieties. not excepting the very persons of his subjects: and that no man has any other property, but that which the King out of his goodness thinks fit to leave him. And they think it is the prince’s interest, that there be as little of this left as may be, as if it were his advantage that his people should have neither riches nor liberty; {…}
{…} they might seem better, as certainly they are, yet they are so different from our establishment, which is founded on property, there being no such thing among them, that I could not expect that it would have any effect on them; but such discourses as mine, which only call past evils to mind and “Though to speak plainly my real sentiments, I must freely own that as long as there is any property, and while money is the standard of all other things, I cannot think that a nation can be governed either justly or happily: {…}
{…} From whence I am persuaded, that till property is taken away there can be no equitable or just distribution of things, nor can the world be happily governed: for as long as that is maintained, the greatest and the far best part of mankind will be still oppressed with a load of cares and anxieties. {…}
{…} again to a good habit, as long as property remains; and it will fall out as in a complication of diseases, that by applying a remedy to one sore, you will provoke another; and that which removes the one ill symptom produces {…}
The constitution of the various Utopian States grants the right to own property. Ownership is one of the natural rights. The constitution further makes it the duty of government to protect and optimize the natural rights of man. Consequently, the Utopian States is Not the Utopia described by Thomas More with the exception that both endeavor to be perfect societies.
2. Are the Utopian States socialistic?
No. The various Utopian States are not socialistic. The natural right to own property is enumerated by the constitution and protected by the government. Senior to the right to own property is the right to life and access to the necessities of life. The constitution of the various Utopian City States makes it the duty of government to ensure that all have access to the necessities of life. This right to the necessities of life does not preclude the right to own property, hence the various Utopian States are NOT socialistic.
Furthermore, the various Utopian States are all different. The constitutions are all basically similar in that government is required to protect the natural rights of the citizens. Each bill of rights may be different as the interpretation of the natural rights may be different. The constitutional methods of enforcing those natural rights may also be different. Some of the Utopian States may protect the rights of the poor more than the rights of the middle class and vice versa.
3) When will the first Utopian City State be built?
We are waiting for a billionaire philanthropist to help. Although only tens of millions are required, the philanthropist must have sufficient capital to help without hurting himself in the event the return on his investment takes years.