Solutions for the American economy

Solution to the American economy:  More American Jobs.

No kidding you say!  Every idiot knows that more jobs would mean more tax revenues which would then lead to a lower national debt and other good things.  That’s a no brainer, but just were are these jobs going to come from?

Solution to the American job creation:  Balance.
What are you smoking, you say.  I suppose we could balance out the salaries, that would stimulate the economy.   I suppose we could balance out the trade deficit, that would imply more jobs.  Balance of wealth means the money is in the hands of more people so the taxes are higher, the spending is higher, government spending on unemployment compensation, welfare, and Medicare, are less while tax revenues are higher.  Ya, I suppose balance would do it.  Either making Doctors, lawyers, bankers, entertainers, and politicians make less or making the manufacturing and agricultural sectors make more would create more balance.  But all this is impossible, everybody knows this.

Solution to the American job creation:  Balance in China and the World
Another Utopian solution, you say.   Ya, if you had unions in the rest of the world to keep the wages of the Chinese workers high instead of communism being used to suppress the wages of the worker, you would our own workers wouldn’t have to compete with slave labor.   Not only that, but they would have more money with which to buy American products.

Why do world rulers want to suppress the workers of the world, you ask?  What do they get out of it?

I don’t know…

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A Hundred better Democracies?

THIS democracy is better than a dictatorship, but there are
probably 100 better democracies.  Why
can’t the USA think out of the 200 year old box?


This democracy is but one of my many irreconcilable
differences with this government.


Have the Quakers or American Indians already demonstrated a
viable city-state and a viable off the grid economic system?


The next super country may be comprised of a bunch of
city-states paying rent to a central government whose ONLY job is to protect
the city states from invasion.


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Is the USA a Ponzi Scheme?

The following quote is from Wikipedia. It describes the way that the Madoff Investment was enabled by others that watched the Ponzi Scheme in operation and did nothing to prevent the fraud.  Read the description of the scheme.  We’ll later compare that discription to the operation of the American government.


Trustee Expands
Allegations against JPMC, Seeks Jury Trial; Increases Minimum Damages Sought
from $5.4 Billion to at least $19 Billion

Our amended complaint shows that JPMC’s bankers literally watched the fraud unfold before their very eyes,” said Deborah H. Renner, a partner at Baker & Hostetler. “They could see that money customers deposited into BLMIS’s main account was not used to buy or sell securities. They could see that it was merely transferred to other customers, in patterns serving no legitimate business purpose. They could see millions of dollars routinely bouncing back and forth between Madoff and JPMC Private Banking customers. They could see that Madoff’s regulatory filings were materially inconsistent with BLMIS’s actual finances. Yet, as alleged, they allowed the fraud to continue.”

The revenue of the Federal government has risen exponentially from 1940 to 4 trillion dollars today.  Meanwhile the Federal debt has risen exponentially during that same period to 25 trillion.  The Federal government is leveraging their income with debt and TBills.  The result is that Americans benifit from leisure time (unemployment) and cheap Asian products.  However, future generations will be slaves in order pay off the debt while incurring no subsequent debt – or have an Asian president and live with the same standard of living as billions of other Asians.

The problem is, America is leveraging their future to ‘buy’ votes.  Trillions of dollars are vertually spent to buy Americans cheap Asian products.   Asian loans are buying T Bills which are then, via the ‘USA Ponzi Scheme’ distributed to government ‘workers’, welfare people and others so that they can enjoy the standard of living promised to them by the politicians and other enablers of the Ponzi Scheme.

Yes there are solutions, but government doesn’t discuss them because they are blind to the problem.  They don’t need to discuss solutions if they don’t see a problem.  The management of Enron and Madoff investments didn’t seen the end coming either.

The financial end of the USA is coming (perhaps in 2012), but it can be averted with prompt out of the box thinking.

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The Economic Solution is Easy Stupid

The economic solution is easy.

We have to increase tax revenue without increasing middle class taxes.  We have to increase the number of jobs in the USA.  We have to make our products more competative with foreign products.  We have to lower the deficit and the trade imbalance.  We have to decrease the government payroll while increasing the private sector payroll.

We have to start by thinking that the economic policies of the last twenty years were not only wrong, but dead wrong – 180 degree wrong.  We do NOT have to make things more effectively or at a lower cost.

We start by changing the way taxes are collected.  We end corporate taxes on all manufacturing job producing corporations except those with windfall profits such as those made by the oil companies.   We recover the lost tax revenue with a sales tax that is placed equally on foreign and domestically made products.  Since the sales tax is collected on imported goods, we actually increase our tax revenue while decreasing the cost of our products overseas.

The income taxes have to be adjusted back to the way they were during the Eisenhower and Reagan years for the top 5%.  We have to reduce deficit spending to about 20%.

If this isn’t sufficient, we have to increase the number of people working in the private sector by draconian measures, if necessary.

But first things first.  A sales tax with a corresponding decrease in corporate taxes for those corportions competing with imports is the first step.  Picking up the tax revenue by increasing the taxes to the wealthiest five percent is the second step.

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The Decline of the American Middle Class

A lot of people say they are deeply puzzled by the slow recovery   in the U.S. economy.  They look at the 9+% unemployment rate and the mediocre   growth in national output, and they scratch their heads and wonder: Where is the   boom that inevitably follows a deep bust, such as we experienced in 2008 and   2009?  But there is no mystery. What other result would you expect from the financial  ruin of the once-great American middle class?
And make no mistake, the middle class has been ruined: Its wealth has been  decimated, its income isn’t even keeping pace with inflation, and its faith in  the American economy has been shattered.

Once, the middle class grew richer each   year, grew more comfortable, enjoyed a higher living standard. It was real   progress in material terms.   Homeowners lost 55% of their housing wealth — more than $7 trillion — when the   bubble burst.

But that progress has been halted and even reversed. In some respects, the  middle class has made no progress in a generation, or two.

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The Hate List #3

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that outsourcing is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that free trade is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that a higher education is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that cutting taxes for the rich is good.

Washington Pseudo science fuels the myth that deficit spending is good.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that if the rich get richer we will all get wealthier.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that all of us can simultaneously get wealthier.

Washington Pseudo science tells us that capitalism is good.

The scientific method follows these steps:

1.)     Ask a question.

2.)     Do background research

3.)     Construct a hypothesis

4.)     Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

5.)     Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

6.)     Communicate Your Results

7.)     Repeat the steps two through seven getting better results each time.

Pseudo science doesn’t follow all the steps. Washington streamlines the process by skipping stems 4, 5 and seven.  The economy of the USA has become one big test that is repeated over  and over with the same results and to the betterment of the same people.

There are hundreds of similar items on the hate list as this society approaches a perfect dystopia.

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The Hate List #2

The airport security check points have you disrobe to the point of taking off your belt, shoes, coat, and everything from your pockets.   You have to take off more and more each time.  Soon you may have to go nude for them.  I mean I don’t mind clothing optional, but the key word is optional.  I also have the right to keep my clothes on!

Then they x-ray you zapping you several times sometimes with an unknown amount of radiation.  Somebody sits behind the x-ray machine looking at a scan of your nude body.  They said it was optional, but it doesn’t work that way.   I’ve never been told it’s optional.  I go through check points twice a week, so I am concerned about the radiation delivered by people that are not doctors.

Aside from walking on dirty floors in your socked or bare feet, you have to touch a lot of dirty containers.  Nice way for an epidemic to start!

My biggest complaint is the way you are herded through the check point like beef heading to slaughter.  Half the time the check point people are rude or at least as unfriendly as the people working in a slaughter house are to the animals about to become only meat.  You are rushed through.  You have to hurry up with the disrobe placing your cell phone and wallet on a conveyer belt right next to the processions of the people that come before and after you.   Then you have to remove your computer from the case and put it in a separate container.  If someone has a bag which gets scanned repeatedly in front of you, your computer is repeatedly x-rayed.  Once the red x-ray light remained on for a minute with my computer inside.  Did that have anything to do with the fact it wouldn’t boot back to life when we got to our final destination?

When you collect you valuables at the other side of the check point you can inadvertently swap computers with the person next to you or lose your computer or wallet.  Great place for a thief!

I remember the days when we could walk right on to a plane, sit in seats without the potential of having 300 plus pounds sitting on either side, sit topside in a big lounge and order a drink for a leisurely flight.  Those were the days my friend!

There are hundreds of similar items on the hate list as this society approaches a perfect dystopia.

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The Hate List

High on the hate list are answering machines. You try to dial a corporation and get an answering machine that asks you to select from a list.  Once you hear all the questions and press a number, you get another list and make another selection.  This goes on for about five minutes until you press zero a bunch of times.  Then the machine either rudely hangs up on you or, if you are ‘lucky’, you get a human that tells you that you dialed the national office and that you need the regional office.  Once you get the regional office, you get on a waiting list before another list of menus is given you.  Then, after shouting a bunch of obscenities at the stupid machine, you finally get a human that tells you to call someone else or call back another day.

In the 50s, 60s, and 70s, your call would be quickly answered with a friendly, intelligent, patient and polite person that would quickly tell you the exact information you needed.  They would actually diminish your stress level and increase your knowledge and understanding.  Now those people are unemployed having been replaced by the idiot – savant machine that works for nothing and becomes obsolete in a few years.

There are hundreds of similar items on the hate list as this society approaches a perfect dystopia.

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Non Utopian Political Parties

A list of the political parties that are NOT utopian.
America First Party
American 3rd Party
American Nazi Party
American Party
American Patriot Party
American Populist Party
American Reform Party
American Third Position Party
America’s Independent Party
Boston Tea Party
Citizens Party
Constitution Party
Communist Party of the United States of America
Christian Liberty Party
Democratic Party
Florida Whig Party
Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( faction)
Freedom Road Socialist Organization ( faction)
Freedom Socialist Party
Green Party of the United States
Independent American Party
Independence Party of America
Jefferson Republican Party
Labor Party
Libertarian National Socialist Green Party
Libertarian Party
Moderate Party
Modern Whig Party
National Socialist Movement
New Union Party
Objectivist Party
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Peace and Freedom Party
Populist Party of America
Progressive Labor Party
Prohibition Party
Raza Unida Party
Reform Party of the United States of America
Republican Party
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA
Socialist Action
Socialist Alternative
Socialist Equality Party
Socialist Labor Party of America
Socialist Party USA
Socialist Workers Party
U.S. Marxist–Leninist Organization
United States Marijuana Party
United States Pirate Party
Unity Party of America
Workers Party
Workers World Party
Working Families Party
World Socialist Party of the United States
Socialist Educational Society
Workers’ Socialist Party
World Socialist Movement

Not only would these political parties not be considered Utopian, there would be no political parties in Utopia.

The Utopian constitution would stipulate that the only right of government is to protect the natural rights of men.  Furthermore, the trustees of the natural rights are men chosen randomly from a pool of the college educated that have also been specially trained to run government.

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The Other type of Conservative

The pre-federal USA is the model for the Utopia (more perfect government) espoused here.  From the 1600s to 1776 the pre-federal USA was but a federation of states.

Take that concept and add a universal bill of rights to which all states would need to comply.  The bill of rights would, of course, exclude slavery and legalize voting for women.  The house of representatives of each state would be randomly selected from a pool of college educated people that volunteer for inclusion into the lottery pool.  A citizen charged with any crime may have his case tried in the state and court of his choice.  A supreme court would be provided for quality control.

The states would be encouraged to be different from each other.  Real unregulated competition between the states would drive the creation of a utopian state; a state so desirable that other states would emulate that state.  Some states might be better suited for some people than others.  Some states might even be socialistic, if that is their forte.

This site espouses non-Republican conservatism.   More specifically, this site espouses protectionism, tariffs, small federal government, the middle class, outsourcing justice, a strong bill of rights, no deficit, no monopolies, many small businesses and minimization of welfare via training, rehabilitation, abundant jobs and early American wealth and business opportunities.

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