The Constitution of the Republic of Peru is better than the constitution of the United States – part I

The Peruvian constitution starts out with the following principle:

Article 1

The protection of the individual and respect for his dignity are the supreme goal of society and the government.

Just think about what you want government to do and you’ll come to the conclusion that this statement is not only correct, but fundamental.   People want the right to exist without any threats to their lives or property by criminals, invaders, or their own government.  The best way to implement these characteristics is to first make a proclaimation that it is the rights of government to protect the people and then define what those rights are.  That’s what the Peruvian constitution does starting with article 2.

Article 2

Every individual has the right:

1. to life, his identity, his physical, psychological, and moral integrity, and his free fulfillment and well-being. Such rights exist from the time of conception in all ways that are beneficial.

2. to equality before the law. No one may be discriminated against because of his origin, race, sex, language, religion, opinion, economic status, or any other reason.

23. to self-defense.

The right to life includes, obviously, the right to eat, breath, have shelter & clothing, and the right to consentual sex and families.  Right #1 is fundamental and similar to the ideal of the USA to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Right #2 specifies that all people have the right to equality before the law. No one may be discriminated against because of his origin, race, sex, language, religion, opinion, economic status, or any other reason.  The ideal of the USA is that “All men are created equal”.  The intention with that idea is that all men are equal in the eyes of the law and that all men have equal rights.  The USA conceived during the era of slavery.  Women didn’t have the right to vote and slaves were considered property.  Although later amendments corrected these deficiencies in the list of rights, the constitution wasn’t written with this as the “supreme goal of society and the government” as was the Peruvian constitution.

Right #3 is of particular importance to some that I know in that it specifies that people have the right to “self defense”.  Consequently, the inadvertant touching of a police officer to push away mace or protect ones self against the blows of the officer’s batton won’t result in A & B charges which will necessitate spending thousands on a lawyer to keep from going to jail for a couple of years, as is the case in the USA.

Chapter I enumerates a total of 24 individual rights.

Chapter II lists the Social and Economic Rights of the people.  This includes Articles 4 to 29.

Article 28

The government recognizes the right to form unions, to
engage in collective bargaining, and to strike. It ensures their democratic

1. It guarantees trade union freedom.

2. It fosters collective bargaining and promotes the
peaceful solution of labor disputes.

Collective agreements are binding in the area for which
they are made.

3. It regulates the right to strike so that it will be
exercised in keeping with the social interest. It defines exceptions and

Article 29

The government recognizes the right of workers to
participate in company profits and promotes other forms of participation.

Would the right to form a union have prevented the trade agreements entered into by the USA that effectively destroyed the trade unions by throwing our manufacturing and agricultural work forces into direct competition with the workers of communist nations?  It is plausible that any trade agreement, in order to be legal, would have had to have respected these two rights.

Chapter III continues by defining Political Rights and Duties.  Articles 30 to 38
define these rights and duties.  Note that constitution of the USA does NOT include – at the Federal level – the right to “participate in public affairs through the referendum, legislative initiative, the recall or removal of officials, and the right to hold the latter accountable”

Article 30

Peruvians over the age of 18 are citizens. In order to exercise their citizenship, they must register to vote.

Article 31

Citizens have the right to participate in public affairs
through the referendum, legislative initiative, the recall or removal of officials, and the right to hold the latter accountable. They have the right to be elected and to elect their representatives freely in accordance with the
conditions and procedures set forth by organic law.

It is the right and duty of residents to participate in
the municipal government in their jurisdiction. The law governs and fosters both direct and indirect mechanisms for their participation.

Citizens have the right to vote by virtue of their legal

Voting is personal, equal, free, secret, and compulsory
up to the age of 70. It is optional thereafter.

Any act prohibiting or restricting a citizen from
exercising his rights is null and punishable by law.

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Warren Buffett quotes

The rich are always going to say that, you know, just give us more money and we’ll go out and spend more and then it will all trickle down to the rest of you. But that has not worked the last 10 years, and I hope the American public is catching on.
Warren Buffett

Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.
Warren Buffett

Derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction.
Warren Buffett

If anything, taxes for the lower and middle class and maybe even the upper middle class should even probably be cut further. But I think that people at the high end – people like myself – should be paying a lot more in taxes. We have it better than we’ve ever had it.
Warren Buffett

I just think that – when a country needs more income and we do, we’re only taking in 15 percent of GDP, I mean, that – that – when a country needs more income, they should get it from the people that have it.
Warren Buffett

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Donald Trump: 25% Tarrif on Chinese goods until they behave

Donald Trump Interview

  • Donald Trump believes that we ought to impose a 25% tax on Chinese goods until they behave and stop manipulating our currency.  They are making a 350 billion dollar profit on the USA this year and only giving us the loans to do it.
  • We don’t need free trade, we need fair trade.
  • We have all the cards and power.
  • They are crushing us.
  • The people the USA has negotiating the trade agreements now don’t know what they are doing.
  • The United States is becoming a third world country.  In ten years China will be more powerful than the USA.  We are rebuilding China.
  • The leaders of the United States are fools.
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What is a leader?

“Not the cry, but the flight of the wild duck, leads the flock to fly and follow.”

~ Chinese Proverb

“Eagles <leaders> don’t flock – you have to find them one at a time. ”

~ H. Ross Perot

“Leadership is about capturing the imagination and enthusiasm of your people with clearly defined goals that cut through the fog like a beacon in the light. ”

~ Unknown

“The leader is best, When people are hardly aware of his existence,  Not so good when people praise his government, Less good when people stand in fear, Worst, when people are contemptuous.

Fail to honor people, and they will fail to honor you. But of a good leader, who speaks little, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, The people say, ‘We did it ourselves.'”

~ Lao Tzu

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New Subscribers and Contributors

Subscribers have the ability to add and edit their own comments.  Comments that are too short or contain links will be automatically discarded as spam.  Ten thousand spam comments are discarded every year.  A subscriber is a new users’ default status after registration.  There are currently 250 subscribers.

Contributors have all the abilities of a Subscriber plus the ability to write their own posts.  You may become a contributor after adding at least ten viable and intelligent comments.

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Protesters are Heroes

Protesters are Heroes.

More than 100 protesters from the Occupy Boston movement were arrested early Tuesday after they ignored warnings to move from a downtown greenway near where they have been camped out for more than a week, police said.

Police spokesman Jamie Kenneally said the arrests began about 1:30 a.m. Tuesday and were mostly for trespassing.

Capitalism and free trade are the only way to go, but they have gotten out of control.  Unfettered BIG entity capitalism as we see today is exploiting the bottom 80%.  Big entity capitalism, like wall street, is suppressing the working class and the middle class.  Big entity capitalism has generated a debt so large and wealth so unbalanced that ONLY the top 1% of taxpayers can pay it off and still remain ridiculusly opulent and super rich (They could pay off the national debt and still have an average wealth of over 12 million per family).

Yes, our BIG loving government will try to suppress the heroes with their BIG police forces supported by BIG money and BIG powerful courts.  BIG is bad, bad to the bone!

‘Competing’ with BIG communist nations that suppress the wages of workers is also bad to the bone!  It’s the opposite philosophy of unions.  We should NOT allow free trade with nations that suppress labor unions.

Can’t let the poor children starve, so there must be sufficient socialism.  However, you also shouldn’t give people handouts that have the ability to work.  Getting people to work requires a sufficient supply of jobs.  Another catch is that those jobs cannot be government jobs because that would require higher taxes.  If the rich are the last group that can take responsibility for the national debt, then they can’t be expected to pay for the cost of welfare.  The middle class also cannot be expected to pay for welfare.  The ONLY solution is to make this country self sufficient; we must produce as much as we buy.  The country can’t survive by selling Tbills and real estate forever.


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Discussion of America’s Economic Solutions

I believe that 80% of Americans have 20% of the wealth and that conversely that 20% of Americans have 80% of the wealth.  I believe that the top 1% of Americans have 50% of the wealth and that the bottom 50% of Americans have zero percent of the wealth.

The debt is over 14 trillion (, the national revenue is less than 2.3 trillion.  Federal spending is over 3.5 trillion.  The total household assets are 56 trillion.

 Eighty percent of Americans have 20% of the 56 trillion or 11.2 trillion dollars. The national debt is 14 trillion.  The lower eighty percent of the population could not pay off the national debt if they tried.  The top 1% with 28 trillion in assets could easily pay off the national debt or take responsibility for it.

 Someone still has to take responsibility for the revenue deficit which is 1.2 trillion per year.  That has to be brought to zero without impacting jobs.

 Foreign assets owned in this country are about 22 trillion.  Perhaps a proportionate share of the debt should be absorbed by the people that own foreign assets.  Why should people be allowed to profit by America’s wealth but have none of the responsibility for the debt?  Why should foreign assets be $22 trillion while eighty percent of Americans have only 11.2 trillion dollars in assets?  Foreigners own twice as much of America as do the majority of Americans without paying any taxes or social security?

 The chief export of Americans has been our non renewable assets.  Meanwhile we import renewable assets like cars and TV sets.  We have to bring that into balance.  Exports of renewable assets must equal imports of renewable assets.

 One way to optimize productivity is to get the people producing something even if not as productively as, say, Asian workers.  Just get them productive and making something.  If 60 million non-working Americans each created renewable assets of $300 a week, then America would be creating 18 billion a week or almost a trillion dollars a year in renewable assets.  People need money to live, so the government would still have to subsidize these people to the point where they could rent an apartment, buy food and have transportation.  But the point is that they would be productive.

 Renewable wealth has to be created, not government jobs and not welfare.

 The government is currently in the process of printing money.  That will depreciate the worth of the dollar and make our debt less.  This is a dishonest way around the problem of the debt, but will help.  At least it short circuits having to explain to people with assets why their assets are worth less.

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Write in “Random University Graduate”

Write in “Random University Graduate” for all your ballot choices in the next elections. It’s a win-win vote.

Unless your candidate speaks against having the American worker compete with the slave labor of other countries, the current norm, then vote for Mr./Mrs. Random for that position.

Hopefully the day will come where if “Random” gets the highest number of votes, then a random candidate will be drawn from a pool of qualified college graduates.

If you really want to improve a sub worthless government, work towards getting the aforementioned idea (an optional lottocracy) approved as a legal option.

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How to end Washington’s Ignorance

The guardian wrote: “How to end Washington’s Ignorance”.

You say:  “Good luck with that!”

Do you feel that your letters to Washington are ignored, you know, neglected, overlooked, disregard or forgotten?

You say: “Of course.  That’s the way it always has been and always will be – unless they put the letters in a database for all Washington to see”

Exactly!  Organize the database by complaint, suggestion, reason, author, and subject and it might be useful.  I hate taking the time to write Washington when I feel it will be ignored.  Sometimes I feel I have to spam the letters to get someone to pay attention.  It would be nice for Washington to have a spam free database of well written letters.  With such a database, writing a letter to Washington might be better than voting.  It seems as if Washington only pays a little attention to the big issues and ignores everything else, even the less popular solutions to the big issues.

You say:  “Good government is common sense.”

You’ve got that right!

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What is a Leader?

Commander:  Has the authority to force his decisions on others.


1.)    Knows how to decrease entropy (chaos and disorder) and has the will to act in that direction.

2.)    Works for the betterment of those that follow.

3.)    A leader may or may not have followers and may or may not be wealthy.

4.)    The top followers of a significant group also need to be leaders.

5.)    A leader rules without the necessity of force.

The USA has many commanders, but few leaders that are followed.  It is easy to be a commander.

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